Hi everyone, I want to complete my ML Professional exam in a few months from now and I found 2 usefull resources to practice:
1- Coursera: Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Machine Learning Engineer
2- Google Cloud Skill Boost: Machine learning engineer path
I know a lot of people do the Coursera course, but have you guys heard about the second one?
Thank you
Passed the exam last week. I went through the cloud skill boost learning path to get the exam voucher, but didn‘t find it as useful unless you read through all the extra material and links. I mainly prepared with examtopics. But be aware that they are changing the exam questions tomorrow so the external resources might not be as useful anymore
Thanks for the reply! Two questions if you don’t mind :
1- Did you pay anything in examtopics to have acess to the material?
2 - Where did you see they were going to change questions tomorrow?
Also, about the cloud skill boost learning path: i feel like most of the stuff there will not be on the exam…
1: Yes, I paid the $40 for access to all questions but it was worth it. I think only 1 or 2 questions of the exam were not in the examtopics dump.
2: It’s on the official website https://cloud.google.com/learn/certification/machine-learning-engineer?hl=en
Yea, the cloud skill boost courses are more general intro courses for ML on GCP and not focused on exam preparation
What’s the ML Engineer professional exam?