Hey reddit fam -

The last few weeks have been TOUGH due to an unexpected layoff & having 2 young children to keep fed as a single father. I did like any other person would who was pushed into a corner, and put myself to work in a space I’m super familiar with, worked hard to outperform standard results, and think I finally found my calling, for now.

Today, I’m here to spill the beans on my latest adventure in the digital realm. Picture this: targeted web data scraping, crafting lists for every niche under the sun, and diving deep into the world of contact form harvesting. Sounds like a typical Tuesday, right?

But wait, there’s a twist! I’ve been playing around with Contact Form message automation. Now, before you roll your eyes and scream “SPAM!”, hear me out. I’m not about blasting sales pitches. Nope. My game is all about sparking genuine conversations, tailored to each niche with the elegance of a Shakespearean sonnet (minus the thee’s and thou’s).

The result? Conversations. Lots of them. More than I’ve ever seen in any other outreach campaign. And guess what? These chats have been turning into closing sales for these test run products, like you wouldn’t believe. I’m talking open rates that would make any email marketer’s jaw drop. At least, it did mine.

So, here’s the deal. I’ve simplified this complex process into a success formula, and now I’m thinking of offering it as a service. Curious? Here’s what I need to make the magic happen for your campaign:

- A throwaway catchall email address - our command center for monitoring campaign replies. (because of the open rates and response rates alone, you will kill your primary email inbox, for a long time trying to keep up with incoming responses.)

- Your audience persona or target keywords - who are we chatting up?

- A deep 1 on 1 dive into your product or service - gotta know what we’re promoting!

Once I’ve got your target market data, I craft a message that’s more than just words. It’s an invitation to talk, a handshake through the screen. Using my trifecta of skills in writing, sales, web data scraping, oh - and a sprinkle of AI magic, I’m starting real conversations with genuinely interested buyers, before they know they’re buyers.

Imagine getting in front of 10-50k potential customers in just a few hours. And by the end of the day? You’re having closing conversations that convert to real dollars. For a literal fraction of what it’s been costing for failed email campaigns, expensive fb & google ad campaigns, and whatever else the marketing world has over-complicated & over-priced.

But here’s the catch - I’m picky. I’ve learned I have to vet each project, approach it as a mock-buyer almost, to ensure there’s a classy way to present it to your market without being sidelined immediately. And I can almost instantly tell if my method will be a hit or a miss for you.

Again… In light of a recent career hiccup (read: layoff), I’ve stumbled upon what feels like my true calling. And now, I’m turning to you, my Reddit gurus, for some real talk. Is this a service you’d be interested in? As a one man show, it’s a very personal 1 on 1 process - takes about an hour for set up, going back and forth. Once I have the data I need, I build the campaign uprights, it’s framework, and start scraping, filtering, checking, refining your target audience - building your campaign copy.

I’ve sent nearly a million targeted messages without a single whiff of negativity since developing this strategy. No “spam” labels, no blocks, no hate mail response. Just pure, engaging conversation.

So, what do you think? Is this the future of outreach, or am I just another dreamer on the internet? I’m eager to hear your thoughts, critiques, and if you’re feeling adventurous, your interest in trying out this service. Let’s chat! And here’s an exciting update: I’ve already taken on my first few paid clients! Considering the immediate responses they’re seeing, I might be underselling myself - But, given my current financial situation and this being uncharted territory for many - I think I’ve got to undervalue myself for the moment to stay afloat.

Here’s a breakdown of what goes into each project:

- Roughly 3-5 hours per campaign for setup and full-scale execution.

- An initial 30 minutes to an hour with you to gather essential data, understand your project, identify your ideal buyer, and comprehend the problem your product solves.

- The bulk of the time is spent on high-level market research, understanding buyer personas, language, and expectations, researching your product and company. Then comes the fun part (at least for me) - targeted scraping, data refinement, deeper targeting, more scraping, further refining, crawling for desired form pages, harvesting URLs, ensuring we land in inboxes seamlessly, writing and reviewing copy, and finally, getting client approval.

Once everything is set, the magic happens. Your carefully crafted message begins to land in the inboxes of your closest customers.

As the campaign is blasting, your job begins. You will start monitoring your inbox for replies from your blasts - intitially you’ll see a ton of auto responses “hey thanks for reaching out, we’ll be right with you” kinda thing - but then… the “RE:” emails start flooding - that’s the CHA-CHING moment - that’s when you get to start the conversation & close a deal.

Once the campaign is complete, I provide a full report on how many messages successfully landed and failed - then provide each list, in .txt format for successfully sent - and failed submissions.

The beauty of this approach is its scalability. Whether your product or service is offered internationally or locally, down to specific states, cities, or neighborhoods, I can target accordingly.

Imagine being a renowned speaker at a convention, captivating the audience, and then, post-talk, everyone’s eager to engage with you, learn more, and potentially convert those conversations into closed deals more effortlessly than I’ve ever experienced before, without costing me 10s even 100s of thousands of dollars…

Cheers to reinventing the outreach wheel!

Your friendly neighborhood web wizard 🧙‍♂️✨

**TL;DR:**Mastered the art of targeted web scraping and contact form message automation for niche-specific outreach. Considering offering a service to craft and send personalized, conversation-starting messages to your ideal customers, leading to high engagement and real sales.

  • Vegetable-Court6632@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This looks really interesting, are u offering this service already? Me and my business partner are ex Microsoft employees and we started our own IT consultancy company with focus on machine learning, AI, data quality assurance etc. We currently have a few running projects but would love to scale out.