I’m looking at starting a website and social media marketing business.
Firstly, my area is quite deprived and a LOT of the businesses simply have little to nothing in terms of websites/ social media presence. Also I only note two other good website designers in my area.
My business will plan on targeting those companies by offering them the opportunity to bolster their income through utilizing online tools.
Important: I understand the difference between them both. I can do Wix and have done for a few companies already. I also could use WordPress (admittedly I’d have to learn it a little better but I could start using it no problem).
I plan to offer options such as:
1.Website design (1 off)
2.Website design and monthly maintenance (1 off followed by monthly payments)
3.Social media marketing campaign (1 off)
4.Social media campaign and management (1 off followed by monthly payments)
My question:
If I use Wix it allows me to show this to the consumer and to allow them to do some minimal maintenance themselves. Which I do quite like the idea of as it’ll allow me to move on to new projects and not just be stuck on constant maintenance that WordPress may present.
If I use WordPress I’ve got a bit of learning to do. I also expect to be doing more maintenance (which I guess is good for business).
Anyway, what are everyone’s thoughts?
Wordpress offers very basic functionality. To make it useful you need plugins. Plugins are created by 3rd parties who care more about profit than security.
Wordpress servers are targeted daily by bots as it’s openSource. In simple terms: They suffer over 100 new vulnerabilities per month. It’s currently over 7,000 reported vulnerabilities. If you insist on using it for goodness sake check about the CVE database and avoid any dangerous plugins.
Thank you for that information mate. That’s not something they advertise so it’s good to know hahaha
I have to assume 3rd parties care mostly about profits - or hire staff with insufficient knowledge of security - otherwise how can we explain this: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=wordpress
This is a global database of vulnerabilities. Search for any software or plugin.
Now here’s a crazy thought. Have you not considered good old-fashioned coding? lol. You’re in control. You can focus on quality and security. The other benefit you can let clients own source code rather than being tied to a CMS.