Hi there,

I built a SaaS product that can be used to practice frontend. It is still in early stages and has some missing tutorials but I have about 2 users that I met on reddit who liked it and practiced React tutorial and provided feedback.
I am requesting more feedback from this community.
Link to product: https://practicecoding.tthroo.com/practice/unit/4

Why I built it? I am passionate about FE but I have been working on some Java heavy backend stuff and found myself struggling with FE stuff because I was not practicing enough (or not at all). My favorite quote about practice is “Think practice sucks, try losing”. Hence I built this product.

I am planning to add more interactive tutorials to it and also share my learnings from researching large open source code bases and generally best practices.

You can join the waitlist by submitting the form here: https://forms.gle/Pn9NtJN4Hbwypti88 so I can notify you when all the tutorials I have added are complete and ready.

Any feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you.

  • ShajKar@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    building SaaS to practice frontend, that’s useful. it’s cool you’re making something based on your own need to keep up with frontend skills.

    gonna drop some feedback after. anyone else got tools or tips for staying sharp in frontend?