This isn’t in reference to people to test your own line of products. I know there are a million apps/services for that.

I’m curious if anyone here has good ideas about how I can find product testers for our blog.

Basically, our company is eCommerce and media publishing, and on our blog we review a large number of consumer health products.

I want to find real people to test those products and share their honest opinion, and we will pay to send the products to them.

It’s asking ~15 minutes of work (filling out a questionnaire) for free products ranging from ~$30 to ~$500.

It seems like a great deal and something that many people would take to, but currently I’ve only found a few product testers by reaching out to our followers on social, and haven’t had luck on any other channels.

I’m wondering if any other entrepreneurs in this sub have been in a similar situation, and how you recommend finding these people.

  • bigmink88@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Go to network meetings, cocktail mixers, whatever events like that. Have a QR code on a card attached to your products (make this card difficult to remove), with “complete the survey for a $5 gift card” to (give multi popular options). When you hand these out make sure to inform them the deal (Take this product home and try it out…it is free to you. It sells for …$. But I would PERSONALLY appreciate you filling out the survey and there’s a little something extra there your efforts). Have that QR code link to the survey. They then try the product at home, the QR card is there, they link because they now have an expensive product for free and feel that the effort for 15 mins work another $5 is worth their time.
    This isn’t the cheapest way to do this, but if you want thorough responses this has worked for me.

  • alkalinev@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Honestly, put an offer out on Reddit. Different sub-reddits will find you different groups with different demographics - it’s diverse here.

    I for one would be interested in sampling and reviewing products. In Canada, there’s a hardware/consumer goods company called Canadian Tire that puts out a regular call for people to test products in exchange for a review on their website. Most people take it very seriously, even though it’s volunteer work for a major corporation, and so you get great feedback on products.

    • FollowMe22@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      This is a good idea.

      I have tried on Reddit but the issue is that much of it gets auto-flagged as promotional (which it really isn’t as the post isn’t to promote our website, the post is to find people with a really cool offer – our current product testers love getting a bunch of free stuff for minimal work).

      If you have any subreddits in mind, let me know!

    • asandysandstorm@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      That’s a really good solution several reasons.

      It’s adds value to the blog/newsletter/brand, helps increase reader loyalty, % of new readers could increase due to word of mouth, and it helps refine your tester target market.

      Depending on what their tester criteria is, this could help eliminate a lot of the work and uncertainty. Mainly because it could increase the chances of finding people that will take it seriously and provide good feedback.

      I’m definitely going to borrow this idea

  • bigalligator@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I make games and get testers mainly through Reddit and my personal network on Twitter/Linkedin/friends. Your best bet would probably be to post in the subreddit for your specific product and get testers there. Or run ads on Google/Facebook and post in FB groups

  • bsoliman2005@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Hire people on UpWork. Qualitative is more important than quantitative. You need people with experience in this sector.

    • FollowMe22@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      You need to pay on Upwork though. These jobs do not include cash payment. It’s free products for ~15 mins of work.

      Basically the same model as Influenster but we can’t onboard there because we’re not looking for testers of our products, but of third party brands.