Hello to whoever reads this!
I’m a 21-year-old trying to navigate the path my future will take. I come from a lower/middle-class family, the way I’m currently living feels like a potential nightmare if it shapes my future or the resources I can provide for my future children. I understand you might wonder why I’m thinking so far ahead, but with many of my peers progressing in their lives and graduating university, I can’t help but consider my own trajectory. I want to build a name for myself, and in this era of high living costs, a normal job might not suffice. It seems like nowadays the only wealth that lasts is being born into generational wealth, which I wasn’t born into and so now I’ve gotta think outside the box.
Now, during my university break, the idea of starting a business or venturing into e-commerce (specifically, dropshipping) has been on my mind. However, navigating this market proves challenging, given the advice, some say “dropshipping is dead” while others sell their courses. It’s a bit overwhelming, and I’m left wondering where to start and who to trust for authentic guidance. Ultimately I aim to invent and launch a brand, my current wage feels inadequate for such goals. Therefore, my plan is to build my income before diving into the challenges of running a business.
I find myself at a crossroads, uncertain about the best path forward. I’m determined to make money, so any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Help a person out.

  • mangobanana62@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I wouldn’t afraid of start something that others say its a bad idea. Usually this is how good ideas born.

    You are in one of the most perfect situation. Young, No experience but already have feelings to build business.

    What I would do if I were you is I would spend a few days with my thoughts to find the perfect business idea that I would really love to do. Lets say ecommerce. If I have the idea I would start to work out a plan from the first step until the very last. What I want to sell, where I want to sell it, how my website would look like, who are my competitors, who are my potential customers, how can I advertise, how can buy items that I want to sell and what is the journey of this item etc. there will be a lots of question that you need to find answer.

    While Im working out my business plan (Probably takes months to fully finish it) I would try to find a job where I can see all of these in practice. So I would look for job at an e commerce business and I would also write a list what are my goals to work there (what I want to learn) and I would try to be friendly with every department so I can ask questions about their jobs. The smaller the business the closer the people to eachother. Ohh and I wouldn’t care about the payment I dont want to spend my entire life there I just want a 2-3 years of experience to start my own business.

    If you stay consistent with your strategy and your goal stays clear you will be already ahead of 90% of the entrepreneurs when you start your business.

    Another thing I would take into consideration is to start a “practice” business while I have a full time job. It will be awful and probably cringe aswell but at least good for building experience. Experiment with a lots of thing and when you feel ready you can restart everything with the new brand.

  • bryan_from_sd@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yeah this is a huge issue IMO and it’s something I set out to fix with my online course on finding advice that isn’t a scam and advice marketplace. DM me for a discount codez

  • Soggy-Spring9673@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Entrepreneurship is a dynamic journey that demands a unique set of qualities for success. Firstly, a visionary mindset is crucial. Successful entrepreneurs possess the ability to see opportunities where others see challenges. This vision fuels innovation and drives the creation of solutions that address real-world problems. It’s about anticipating trends, understanding market needs, and charting a course that aligns with a compelling vision.

    Secondly, resilience is an indispensable trait. The entrepreneurial path is riddled with uncertainties and setbacks. Those who weather these storms and bounce back from failures are the ones who thrive. Resilience is not just about overcoming challenges; it’s about learning from them, adapting strategies, and persisting in the face of adversity.

    Lastly, effective communication and networking skills are paramount. Entrepreneurs must articulate their vision persuasively to attract investors, customers, and collaborators. Building a robust network opens doors to valuable resources, mentorship, and partnerships. Connecting with others in the industry fosters a collaborative spirit and provides insights that can be instrumental in navigating the complex terrain of entrepreneurship.

    In essence, to be a successful entrepreneur requires a blend of visionary thinking, resilience, and adept communication and networking skills. These three pillars form the foundation for turning innovative ideas into thriving ventures in the ever-evolving landscape of business.

  • Careeropportunity365@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Totally understand your pain. I’ve built a few dropshipping sites and sold a few as well. My biggest advice is stick with it. Drop shipping is how you get started in Ecom, not how you last. It’s a stepping stone to buying more product in bulk. Digital skills are paramount. Seo and influencers will give you a better roi than anything. Dm me if you want to partner up

  • Dano719@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Shopify dropshipping is not dead and will never die. Marketing is the name of the game and if you master it you can sell any product to anyone.

  • Heart_and_Truth@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    1)Don’t put money in business which don’t understand.

    2)Honesty is an expensive gift.


    4)No one in history has ever become poorer for giving.

  • Heart_and_Truth@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    1)Don’t put money in stuff which don’t understand.


    3)No one has ever become poorer for giving.

    4)It’s a personal choice love money or love business, but it will define if money choose where you are going, or you choose where money are going.

  • RockPast2122@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s not hard to find advice. It’s hard to actually take action and do something different. Everyone wants advice but very few people are willing to do anything once they get the advice. First of all you have no idea how fortunate you are. You’re only 21!!! You have something many other don’t and that’s TIIME. And no, you do not have to be born into it. The key to wealth is what you do with money when you get it. Poor and middle class people use it to buy consumable items to make themselves feel like they have money. You’re so young that you can set yourself up for life if you start making the right decisions now.

    Wanting to start your own brand is awesome and a great goal so don’t let the people around you influence your goals. Also, a phrase like “drop shipping is dead” can only come from a financially illiterate disgruntled wage earner who never did anything and still wants to give advice. Drop shipping is not a business, it’s just the method that a product is sent to your customer. E-commerce is the business. And anywho who hasn’t been living in a cave for the last 20 years knows people buy online all day every day.

    Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money. Do you know why there’s 1 million people on social media right now telling you that they will build your Shopify store for free??? Because they are AFFILIATES of Shopify earning affiliate commissions on the strore they make you!!! That’s their method of earning.

    There are so many things you can do. BUT no matter what you choose to do, you MUST put some of your income into something that will bring a return for later in life. It doesn’t even have to be a lot, but something.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to pay a small amount per month into something for the next 30 years and then when you’re 50 years old you’re able to have a $10,000 or $20,000 a month income for the rest of your life because of your investment? At your young age you can do that! You have no idea how lucky you are to have the gift of time!!! Use it!!!

  • f0rever_r1ch@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This will be such a messy comment bear with me,

    We’re almost the same age , i just started doing business earlier until war broke out in my country. Almost Everything people told me was a bad idea was one of the most profitable businesses i started, what worked for someone might not work for you, some people failed in e-commerce and others succeeded heavily , thats just how life works, and you’d never know what works for you unless you try.

    The best thing and advice Ive ever got is read, learn while doing. Apply everything you learn. Ill tell you this right now, start any sort of small business on the side and read alot about business, marketing and sales. Everything that has to do with making money basically, then apply it in this small business, find your style of running shit and take off. The best way to learn is experience .

    As you start growing a little bit, find a mentor, they’ll save you SO much time and effort, and they’ll give you the best advice. In my country we have this popular phrase that says “dont listen to an ‘expert’, listen to someone that experienced it (or did it)”

    As for capital to start business, your job can provide it, just make sure you dont overwhelm yourself PLEASE, you’ll end up crashing in both, business and employment. You can start some businesses with almost nothing by the way, my first business cost me nothing (but a lot of time). Look into pre-ordering and the concept behind drop shipping, they can be applied to alot of businesses. (For a service you can have a client pay upfront then split the money with who you hire, or for a product , have your customer pay upfront then pay your supplier and deliver and so on)


  • dabidoe@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    " It seems like nowadays the only wealth that lasts is being born into generational wealth, which I wasn’t born into and so now I’ve gotta think outside the box."

    Comparison is the thief of joy. There will always be people richer, better advantaged than you. If you look at other people you lose sight of your own track. At 21 a lot of people have 0 income, hell even at 40+ some people do. Anything worth having takes time and effort. I like your positivity though, your “disadvantage” can be your fuel source if you harness it correctly. Adversity builds determination. Daddy’s money is a crutch for a lot of people, and trust me anyone who really wants to build a business has to put in the hours and tears regardless of how much $ is in the bank.

    My suggestion is to focus on your unique individual worth. Just diving into drop shipping, selling courses or whatever is cool but what’s your unique edge in that? The best way to make money is to start with building your own personal value. Learn skills, languages, soft skills like persuasion and empathy. Study like a sponge, learn to learn, get comfortable with adversity.
    As far as “What to do” keep in mind that everything takes time so choose wisely. Picking something you’re not suited for and gonna end up hating is a waste of time Your best bet is to do stuff you love. So if you love software/web design lean into a business model with that, but keep your options open and see what clicks.

  • Captlard@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I have no idea if drop shipping can be a sustainable long term business, heck I don’t even know what it is really.

    Find a problem to solve that people or companies are willing to pay for…could be a service and/or product and develop that.

    To kick off, I would start doing research and a design thinking approach may be appropriate.

    Try and get hold of the Strategyzer book series (except the team book) as these are great food for thought.

    Also don’t kill yourself worrying about this…many entrepreneurs don’t get going until later in life.

    Ignore the YouTube, tik-tok and insta noise and focus on your own path!

    • AdPsychological2461@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      I have no idea if drop shipping can be a sustainable long term business, heck I don’t even know what it is really.

      Also just wanted to say, same bro😭

    • AdPsychological2461@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      design thinking approach

      I have not heard of this before, it is a great business model! thanks for bringing it to my attention!!

  • Impossible_Fee3886@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It is next to impossible for people who are currently a generation ahead of you to tell you what the best way for your generation to make money is. I always use tech as an example but tech was the millennial generations big money careers it’s not anymore. We ran that well dry and it’s up to the next gen to uncover their own path. That being said you have to think far far ahead to make it work and that has always been the case.

    You aren’t in a unique situation you are in the situation every generation of human has ever been in and now it depends on what you do about it. If you can figure it out you can reach your goals but if you keep waiting for someone to figure it out for you you are destined to just float as the garbage does. Advice is just meant to be things like work hard stay on the goal and similar advice for how to achieve your dreams. It isn’t meant to give you a dream. Generational wealth is powerful too but it is held in a pedestal like it is more valuable and impactful than a good idea but look at all the billionaires and their “generational wealth” for the most part is first generational wealth not dozens of generations and you can find plenty of examples where generational wealth collapses as well as any other.

    • AdPsychological2461@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      You’re right, It is going to be difficult thinking what is the next big shot for this new generation, but you have provided a very different perspective for me. Thank you !!!

  • AvgAIbot@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Basically any online method that’s been shared a lot is dead… UNLESS you put your own twist on it.

    Following an influencer or guru’s advice exactly will probably get you no where, as thousands of people are doing the exact same thing.

  • ohhimaark@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Just a few thoughts from a 10-year solopreneur who also has a course business with over 4,000 paid students:

    • Being able to sell via a 1-to-1 interaction is the single best skill you can learn. EVERYTHING that makes money requires a sale at some point. What you are selling matters a lot less than your ability to sell it, and this applies to every business or job you will ever have.

    • the business model you pursue doesn’t REALLY matter that much. Most young people try to find the easiest, most trending one, and all that does is lead you to the most opportunistic course sellers. The best way to succeed is to find a business model where you enjoy the work, and then learn the industry, master the work, and build your sales distribution consistently over time. You will be 100x more successful committing to a tough business model long term than you will trying a bunch of “easy” ones.

    • prior to the pandemic, it was pretty easy to reach a higher-than-average income by just diving into some form of freelance service. Services are still the most consistent initial business model, but startup is a lot more challenging these days. I recommend starting in-house in some form of marketing or sales position and getting paid to learn distribution.

    Also, keep in mind that building your own thing has lot of downsides. I’ve had a $75k month and a $5k month in the same year, and I don’t ever really get to “clock out”, which is mentally exhausting. I have quite a few students averaging $15k months who frequently think about getting a job instead.