I’m trying to find a domestic manufacturer for skincare products but have no idea how to find one. Does anyone have experience using Fiverr or similar sites for hiring people to do this for them? Or would you advise against it?
In the way of manufacturing, I might use Fiverr to hire someone for little more than manufacturing hemp bracelets. Beyond that, I can’t even conceive of how you even came about with the idea of using Fiverr to search for a manufacturer.
They just want a marketplace but fiverr is their only point of reference
I have a database.
Pm please
You could try apollo.io with the free trial, it’s a huge database with contact info of individuals, you can search by industries, keywords, job titles…
We use sourcebirds.com for that, it’s sort of an agency/network of sourcing agents who helps with everything from finding a manufacturer, inspection or developing a custom product etc.
But you can also try to use fiverr or up work, it’s just a bit difficult to find someone who actually knows their stuff/knows about safety regulations/certifications etc.
Anyway I’d recommend to reach out to a few different companies/people and see who is the best fit for you
D&B lists?
I have one for you they do small runs. Located in Long Island NY. Message me and I’ll connect you with their sales manager.
Upwork acts like a more professional Fiverr. You may be able to source individuals who can help with the manufacturing process there.
What you are looking for is a sourcing agent. I found one on fiver but he was located in Vietnam and created a direct connection between me and a local (VN) factory owner. This saved me money because before that I was getting the goods from a supply company who charged a hefty premium. That being said I doubt you will find a local sourcing agent for your intention there.
Search for copackers in your state. Often the Dept of State or Dept of Agriculture has the list.
Lookup private label manufavturers, beauty manufacturers, etc
Search ‘personal care contract manufacturers near me’ or ‘cosmetic formulation consultant near me’.
Source- I’m a cosmetic chemist