My first post here, I have been doing research about being a digital nomad for the last 6 months.
I’m a Brazilian Software Developer who currently lives in Portugal, and I decided to finally have a try on becoming a real nomad.
I will travel for 60 days just to see how it feels, and if I enjoy it, I’ll have a full year on the Southeast Asia, my initial route is:
Amsterdam -> Warsaw -> Budapest -> Montenegro -> Lisbon.

But I still have doubts… I’m going alone, how can we meet people travelling to this places during the days I’m in the city? I love to party, so that’s essential for me, but I also want to visit the historical places.
Second doubt, I have to work at least 5h/day during the week. How do you guys make time to enjoy the city? I was thinking about working from 7-12pm and have the day to walk around and the night to go out.

I did a calculation and it will cost me around 1500€, I saved around 1000€, but I also have my salary(1500€), and I’m not spending on accommodations in Amsterdam bc my brother lives there.
