Technical discussions of new research seem to have mostly disappeared in this subreddit, because researchers became a small fraction of its immense readership of 3e6 members.

So I created a subreddit to host such discussions. A “safe space” for researchers, if you will, with strict standards for content^1 . I seeded it with posts about a few recent papers I thought were interesting and my own takes on them, to get the discussion started.

But then I said to myself: “You don’t have time to manage a subreddit. WTF are you doing?” and deleted it all. Nevertheless, I’d like to see someone else, perhaps someone with more time, try to do it.

^1: Its main rule was: “No low-effort or low-expertise posts or comments: If your average ML PhD student, or someone with a higher level of expertise wouldn’t have posted something, then it does not belong here.” Other rules dealt with the format of the posts.