So I currently work in water treatment (not something I can be a digital nomad in). I’m 27 years old. I was thinking of moving to Barcelona and maybe working as a remote customer service agent for a u.s airlines part-time while there. It would be a huge pay cut of over 50%, but I really want to try it. I already speak Spanish and I would just need to find a flat. Theoretically, I could just not work and live on savings, but I feel like having a job would give me a good balance in my life. Have any of you guys done something like this before? Taken a pay cut to be a nomad? Any advice?

When I tell people this plan, they look at me like I’m crazy. I guess I kindof feel like childish a bit, because I didn’t get the opportunity to study abroad when I was in university and I feel like I wanna do something similar before I’m 30.

  • WittyTrust4778@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Hey there!

    First off, props to you for wanting to shake things up and live out your dream in Barcelona – that city’s got a vibe like no other! 🌞 And speaking Spanish already? Dude, you’re set.

    So, you’re thinking of diving into the digital nomad life, huh? I say, why not? If your heart’s set on it and you’ve got the means to make it happen, it could be an epic adventure. Plus, working remotely for an airline sounds like a cool way to stay connected and keep some cash flowing. It’s all about that balance, right?

    Taking a pay cut is a big move, but it’s not just about the money. It’s about the experience, the growth, and those “wow, I’m actually doing this” moments. Have you thought about how you’d budget with the new salary? Maybe track your expenses to see how it feels?

    And hey, not working isn’t a bad idea either, especially if you’ve got enough saved up. But I get what you mean about having a job. It can keep you grounded, give you structure, and hey, maybe even some new friends.

    Ever thought about what kind of work you’d want to do apart from customer service? Maybe something that taps into your water treatment skills in a remote way? Or any other passions you’ve been wanting to explore?

    Don’t worry about what others think. It’s your life, your adventure. Plus, who says you can’t have a little study abroad experience post-uni? We’re all just figuring it out as we go, right?

    What’s the worst that could happen? You try it out, get some awesome stories, and if it’s not for you, you just pivot again. Life’s all about the experiences, man.

    So, when are you planning to make the move? Got any leads on a flat yet? Hit me up if you need a sounding board or any help with the planning. You’ve got this!

    Catch you later! 🛫🌍