Vladimir Putin took Donald Trump to the beach in early 2016 to “discuss business”. Vlad popped on his skimpy speedo and tossed one to The Donald and said, “In Russia, the women want to see what you are packing before they talk to you. We might as well get some action while working on making you president.”.

Donald, the consummate lady parts grabber, was game and put the tight speedo on. He presented himself to Putin for a sunscreen rubdown. Vlad shook his head, “Donald, it’s not only your hands that are tiny! You will scare the women away from both of us with that tiny little nubbin! Here take a mighty Russian potato and put it in your speedo and meet me down at the beach. I go get party started.”

Vladimir was spitting game, showing off his own “potato” down at the beach and surrounded by women. He suddenly hears screaming and all of the women run off.

Donald walks up, “What’s up!?! Where’s everyone going?”.

Vlad defeated, softly tells his new buddy, “Don, next time put the potato in the front.”.