yt-dlp is capable of downloading a title but it’s tedious to download all of them. is there an easy way? and for ard and zdf?
yt-dlp is capable of downloading a title but it’s tedious to download all of them. is there an easy way? and for ard and zdf?
my dirty method with wget, fzf, pueue and yt-dlp put this in e.g. .bashrc
myytdlq () { wget -k $1 -O /tmp/myytdl.tmp; cat /tmp/myytdl.tmp | perl -pe 's/\"/\n\"\n/g; s/\\u002F/\//g;' | grep -v hoerfassung | sort -u | fzf -m --query "http video" | cat > /tmp/myytdlq; export MYYTDLQ=$(cat /tmp/myytdlq); clear; echo $MYYTDLQ; for i in $MYYTDLQ; do pueue add -- "yt-dlp --restrict-filenames --output '%(extractor_key)s-%(title).40s.%(ext)s' $i"; done }
and use it with the url of the series