Can we all stop the in-fighting for a minute and realise how awesome the platform we are on is?

We are forming communities on the realized image of the internet that we were told we would have back in the 80s and 90s.

You can make your own home on the web and have your own niche community, not owned by any corporation, while still being connected to the wider internet.

This feels like something out of a sci-fi movie.

    1 year ago

    Methinks you have been so busy trying to fight that you didn’t realise that nobody else is fighting.

    However, there’s a slight issue with ‘still being connected to the wider internet’ as I don’t see results for Lemmy content appearing in my searches the way Reddit content comes up.

    So it feels rather like a sci-fi movie when you’ve had too many mushrooms - kind of bright, but a bit confused…

    However, it does help focus that idea that - if we are going to have interesting discussions and create information which is archived - it shouldn’t be inside Reddit, and it should be accessible by search.

    So Lemmy is half way there…