whilst updating the firmware on my Epson printer, I was presented with their updated EULA which - shock and surprise /s- limits users rights to seek relief in court or participate as part of a class in any class action suit.

While you can’t update the firmware without accepting the terms of the new EULA, they do describe a way to opt-out of the provisions which limit your legal rights. You simply need to send a letter to them saying you want to opt out of those provisions. ** BUT** you only have 30 days from the date you accept the EULA to opt-out.

For anyone inclined, I’ve included a template of the letter I sent for myself to save others time in doing the same.

template letter**

Your Name Your Mailing Address SomewhereTown, State 12345

Today’s Date, 2024

Epson America, Inc. ATTN: Legal Department 3131 Katella Avenue Los Alamitos, CA 907202335

To Whom it May Concern:

Pursuant to section 22.7 of the updated Epson End User License Agreement, I elect to opt-out of the final, binding, individual arbitration procedure and waiver of class proceedings set forth elsewhere in that same document. My name and mailing address are given at the top of this letter.

Signed, Your Name

  • BearOfaTime@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Meh, I didn’t get the firmware from them. It was given to me on a thumbdrive

    They have to prove I agreed to the contract.