Don’t you just love how the driver was “likely speeding and ran a red light”, but the paragraph before blames pedestrians for not looking?🙄

I don’t know about Quebec, but hit-and-run drivers in Ontario don’t usually get anything more than a few weeks suspended license and no jail time.

    9 months ago

    I live in a college town where you’d expect to find a lot of bike lanes.

    And we do have them. For a few blocks at a stretch. Then they go away or merge with traffic only to pick up again a few blocks down the road.

    Sometimes I need a car. I can’t carry a week’s worth of groceries on a bike. I can’t ride to a D&D gathering when it’s -35°F outside (Montana).

    But situations like that notwithstanding, I could easily use a bike for 70+% of my travel needs. And yet I don’t.

    There is no infrastructure. And any voter initiatives to create the infrastructure will inevitably get killed by Conservatives upset that something will help a college student while not providing themselves with anything. Or purely out of spite.

    I spent some time in Davis, CA and have never seen a more mature and robust system of bike paths and traffic control. Bicyclists are first class citizens and (where possible) have paths that are completely separate from motor vehicle traffic.

    I would ride my bike everywhere if I could do it without the justifiable fear that I’ll get run off the road for not going fast enough.

      9 months ago

      I think I saw Ontario Premier Doug Ford get a boner right as you said “notwithstanding”.