I’m letting people who hurt me in the past live rent free in my mind.

One episode involves a former landlord that tried to run me over in an intersection with no traffic cameras.

Another one involves a manager that fired me for informing that one of his favorites yelled during night shift and ignored alarms to talk. He fired me the next day, used the exit interview to tell me everything I didn’t do right (but kept quiet about his favorites, even though I did the job like them), still had the utmost confidence on his favorites, accused me of being lazy and instead of simply firing me and keeping neutral he chose to take it personal, proceeded to try to scare me insinuating I wouldn’t work for his system again, when that failed, tried to humiliate me and then fired me. This was in an non union hospital.

When I think about it I get angry. Id like not to be so thin skinned, but here I am.

  • Boozilla@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I really struggle with this, too. If I have a nasty confrontation with someone, it can eat at me for days. Sometimes weeks. Logically I know I’m being foolish. Emotions are tough, though, and not logical.

    Sometimes venting about it with a supportive friend or family member can really help. Hearing someone else validate your feelings can help you move on.

    Distraction also works. I try to immerse myself in a book, movie, game, whatever. If I can forget the incident for a while, it has far less power the next time I think about it. Laughing about how dumb and petty it was can totally disarm it. Once you get to that place.

    Therapy can help with this sort of stuff, too. But therapy is expensive. And I think most therapists have better things to tackle than some petty dispute I had with a coworker or neighbor.

    The worst ones for me are the situations where I was the bad guy. Or I was the idiot who ended up getting myself hurt through my own bad decisions. One of those still haunts me, over 30 years later. I can forget about it, sometimes for years, but then it will pop back up in some way. I think it’s just, unfortunately, part of being human.

    Try not to beat yourself up over these lingering thoughts. Everyone has them to some degree. Learning to let go of such baggage is a life skill that takes constant practice.