I’m asking because I’m wondering if there’s a more efficient way for me to handle my notes at work. Currently I just use a txt file in Notepad++. I use this file to track all of the stuff I have to do, such as tasks for stories I’m working on, next steps for projects, discussions I need to follow up on, questions and ideas I want to bring up, etc. The way I organize the document works pretty well for me, but I’m just curious how other people do it.

  • dhork@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I worked at one company which mandated that I charge time to internal projects on an hourly basis. (And only 8 hours a day, no matter what you actually worked. :) ). So that forced me to keep a notepad with a to-do list and a weekly tally of hours worked on each project.

    My current company doesn’t care to that level of detail, so sometimes I slack off on my accounting. But when I have a large list of tasks to get through, there is nothing as satisfying as crossing items off a paper list.

    As far as ideas and brainstorming goes, it all goes in TextEdit on my Mac. But I have to be careful, one time I had to reboot it and ended up having to go through 50 open files named “Untitled”