Fully Functional.
The Big Bang theory always felt like a stupid person’s idea of what smart people are like.
Also, from the couple of episodes I watched, apart from being terribly unfunny, it felt like the whole point was just to mock neruodivergent people.
My wife actually love BBT and got me watching it. I still hate laugh track sitcoms, and as a Super Nerd a lot of things irritated me, but overall it’s not nearly as bad as I was expecting from all the meme hate.
Still, the meme is not wrong, Data had a fine positronic brain, sure, but He can kill a motherfucker when necessary.
Papa Soong didn’t raise no bitch.
I found big bang theory a lot more palatable if you consider it as an unreliable narrator story, with penny as the narrator. It’s not what actually happened, but what Penny remembers about it. All the geeky/nerdy stuff gets filtered. Only the surface, superficial stuff gets remembered, and even that is distorted. That is why it plays on stereotypes so much.
My wife likes BBT, I’ve learnt to tolerate it at best.
I honestly find even ten seconds of the Big Bang theory to be like nails on a chalkboard.
It feels written by someone who isn’t a nerd trying to write a nerd character and just missing the point utterly and completely.
If you want an example of good non neurotypical nerd characters that are on the spectrum maybe, you don’t need to look any further than Tendi and Rutherford in Lower Decks. They both have heart and feel way more fleshed out than the Big Bang theory.
The Big Bang theory just makes me want to vomit, it either feels like the most insufferable version of nerds or it feels like a high school bullies super reductive perception of nerds. Also the whole “Penny is a normal hot girl hanging out with nerds” is such a stereotypically reductive setup too.
It’s nerd blackface.
I dunno, I actually really liked TBBT. It’s one of those series that I can go back and watch whenever I feel down.
Seems like a fun bunch of friends who know how and when to mock each other, and seldom go too far. If they do go too far, they usually apologise and don’t do it again.
I think people nowadays just get offended too easily.