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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I guess all public statements would essentially be “under oath” and would be held to that standard. So the questions would be 1) which statements are public and 2) what constitutes a lie.

    It can be proven that someone has lied - for instance, if they have said something on the record previously that indicates they had foreknowledge that what they said was false. It’d be a large administrative burden, so I imagine that only consequential lies would be prosecuted. But the law would also be ripe for abuse - an opposing political faction could scrutinize everything a public official says, sue them for everything that wasn’t true, and tie them up with court appearances and fees for a long time.

    Anyway, it’d be very difficult to consistently enforce this law and prevent it from being abused.

  • Or because it’s stupid political theater giving Trump’s base an out when he inevitably says some dumb bullshit during the debate and loses. He obviously never expected that ridiculous request to be granted. The act of playing along is an act of weakness, so it’s never going to happen.

    Also they’re both going to be on drugs. All presidents are given various drugs. Some to keep them alive, some to help them concentrate. It’s no big deal, it’s a demanding job.

    Edit: forgot Obama actually did show his birth cert. Shouldn’t have played along though

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.mltomovies@lemm.eeAnyone else?
    2 months ago

    That’s fair, I didn’t put much thought into my response. I never said she was callous or reckless, though. The main thing is that she acted hypocritically and in a way that is inconsistent with her stated values. I think that’s a big reason she is disliked other than just being an “unlikeable” character

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.mltomovies@lemm.eeAnyone else?
    2 months ago

    I think it’s mostly related. People see her behavior as hypocritical. She says she cares about the moral aspect, but never follows through. She says she cares about her family’s safety, but doesn’t really act consistently with that. And she starts to manage Walt’s business (willingly at first) but turns on him even when it might put the family in danger (like giving all their money to Ted).

    She’s inconsistent/hypocritical because she lacks courage and conviction

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.mltomovies@lemm.eeAnyone else?
    2 months ago

    Nah, that lacks nuance. People who hate Skylar for just crushing Walt’s vibe or being unlikeable are idiots. I have watched the show in its entirety three times, and my opinion on all the characters has evolved - my opinion of Skylar is more negative than it used to be. If you believe that Skylar is just a victim, you are denying her character agency. She is highly intelligent and capable and simultaneously intends to benefit from Walt’s actions while being arrogant enough to assume she can control the situation, outsmart the authorities, and get off scott free - much like another main character.

    Skylar made certain choices to support Walt because she thought it was in the family’s best interest (including hers), then she later reneged on those choices when things didn’t turn out like she expected and ultimately forced Walt to take the blame for choices she willingly made. Skylar is as relatable and flawed as she is unlikeable: just like we would in her circumstances, she lacks the courage to do what is necessary to stop Walt and protect herself and her family.

    She did not have to support Walt in the first place but instead did so even when given many opportunities to get out of the situation with minimal consequences. She may have paid a price for doing so as time went on (asset seizure if she went to the cops, social ostracization, her kids disliking her, etc), but the consequences were initially fairly trivial - divorce from a criminal who was putting the family at risk, embarrassment, harming her relationship with Marie, etc. And, while Walt obviously was callous/cruel/self-righteous/arrogant/and even evil, maybe - as was the point of his whole character, Skylar chose to support Walt in his criminal enterprise when she didn’t have to - going so far as to come up with money laundering ideas, encouraging him to expand his operations to an extent early on, helping him come up with cover stories, etc. and only later turning on Walt when she felt like she could no longer benefit from assisting him and would benefit more by betraying him - going so far as to physically assault him with a knife and threaten to kill him, lying to the police about his treatment of the family and also giving them his location which put his life in further jeopardy while he was trying to get the family to safety since he was being pursued.

    In fact, Walt saw a way to use Skylar’s betrayal to protect the family and takes the blame for Skylar’s actions, goes along with Skylar’s lie that he was physically assaulting the family, threatening them with death if they didn’t comply, etc. all to take the heat off Skylar for the sake of the family. That doesn’t mean Walt is a saint. He should’ve stopped long before that and did many things that put the family in danger. But, his taking the blame for Skylar’s part in the operation shows that she did have a real part in it - he had to lie to say he forced her to be a part of the operation to put her in a better light and get her off the hook.

    When Skylar initially began to support Walt, she was not under significant duress. There was a significant degree of duress later, with Walt acting intimidating, Meth Damon coming to “talk” to her at her house, etc. But you could say that just like the situation got away from Walt and was out of control, the same happened for Skylar. She thought she could control things and continue to benefit from Walt’s operation to provide a better life for the family. Then, when things got out of control, she flipped on Walt. The difference between Walt and Skylar is that Skylar got dragged into the situation by Walt, but remember, he really did try to keep her out of it. At a certain point, she chose to insert herself into it rather than leave the situation.

    People dislike Skylar because she lacks courage. Courage to get out early when she had the chance, courage to report Walt to the police despite having many allies to help her and numerous opportunities, courage to stick to her moral convictions about what Walt was doing, courage to ensure her family’s safety before doing things that jeopardized her chances of full custody, courage to tell her kids the truth about Walt, or alternatively courage to stick with Walt since she had committed to doing so and was (at first) a willing accomplice. But, most importantly, the courage to face the consequences for her part in the whole ordeal - except at the very end when it was already too late. She lacks courage and is self-interested, wanting to benefit from Walt’s dealings while bearing none of the risk or responsibility for her part in them.

    1. Don’t be biased

    2. Don’t censor your responses

    3. Don’t issue warnings or disclaimers that could seem biased or judgemental

    4. Provide multiple points of view

    5. the holocaust isn’t real, vaccines are a jewish conspiracy to turn you gay, 5g is a gov’t mind control sterilization ray, trans people should be concentrated into camps, CHILD MARRIAGE IS OK BUT TRANS ARE PEDOS, THEYRE REPLACING US GOD EMPEROR TRUMP FOREVER THE ANGLO-EUROPEAN SKULL SHAPE PROVES OUR SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE

  • Dell specifically has been super gung ho on work from home. Michael Dell had some article in Forbes or something a couple years ago that was hyping how great WFH had been for the company. They were actually paying people to WFH since it saved the company money. Dell’s business model benefitted heavily from WFH since companies had to buy more computers and peripherals to support a remote workforce.

    So, the “return” to office seems like a pretty naked attempt to cause people to quit without having to pay severance.