The HD560S measures better than the HD800S and can do 8 ~ 10db bass without choking.
The HD560S measures better than the HD800S and can do 8 ~ 10db bass without choking.
Etymotic ER4XR with EQ.
The ASR & headphone show phase this sub went through was draining. There used to a youtuber that literally called Grado fans a cult when he got backlash he quitted doing videos.
Crinacle said the ER4XR bass was too fast and wrong, But then hyped Stax/Planar HP’s for there bass…despite BA’s being the same. The guy acted like a major ass at the time when It was questioned.
Same with the ER4XR I can get thumping bass with EQ(4db 105Hz low shelf, I’ve got a working ER4P that also great. I love how annoying dense this sub gets with BA drivers since I’m seeing a lot nobodies eating up reviewer BS say avoid them. Many are even admitting they never tried the fucking SE846 yet say the bass is lean…like what???.
The SE846 & ER4XR will blow away the IE900 on everything including Bass speed/detail.
ER4XR with EQ/Foam tips will blow those Planar IEM’s out the water.
Dude this sub used to have folk Bashing the ER4XR because of Crin’s impression, Almost hounded 1990 when he showed It can output 12.5db of bass(155Hz low shelf). A reviewer here quitted after spamming how Grado fans are a cult.
The Crinacle lot are the worst since I was told a IEM needs 12mm DD or 2 BA woofers. But not long after hyped the ER2XR for It bass…unaware it using a 5.8mm & It THD was 1.9% at 1KHz/100db, The ER4XR is 0.7 ~ 0.98% at 1KHz/100db.
Folk get super salty that the ER4XR can handle heavy bass through EQ that casts doubt on larger drivers(10 ~ 16mm, 2 BA woofers), Even stock the 4XR hits hard with foam tips.