Mostly lurking. United States southerner, gay, working retail. An amazing combination

  • 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • Thanks for the suggestions! I gotta make a list when I get home. I haven’t heard of a few of these so that should be exciting.

    The first two or three on that list might take several fits and starts to get through, YMMV, but they are WELL worth the effort, and you will come out the other side changed by the experience.

    I’m anticipating this, not too worried. I have trouble comprehending thick prose, but part of why I’m asking for recs is because I won’t improve if I don’t try.

    I loved having LOTR read to me as a kid so maybe it’s time to revisit it.

  • I have so many fucking OCs but I’m playing a dangerous game, I already don’t do nearly enough to hide my identity on here. If anyone who knows me irl saw me talking about my iconic character [REDACTED], I’d be screwed.

    But yeah I love dreaming up stories and worlds, even though I’ve never really completed a work of fiction 😅 but I always have new drawing ideas or scenarios to entertain myself during a slow workday, by torturing my handmade blorbo.

    ETA what I will say about [REDACTED] is that he was a one-off antagonist from a comic I planned to draw, but I ended up liking him more than the main characters. I hadn’t realized until that point but all my characters were pretty straightforwardly cute or silly. He’s a sleazy, rowdy, unkempt man who likes to cause problems just to feel something. It was so fun to come up with ways for him to be a dick and get himself in danger that I don’t think I’ve created a normal cute protagonist ever since.

  • Ups and downs. Back at the gym but only doing 15lbs per arm. It’s embarrassing and a bit boring because I’m not feeling that burn, but the important thing is that I’m moving and my tendon isn’t hurting too much.

    Not sure if I’ve gone into my issues with sleep deprivation, but since I moved my cat has been running around the house howling all night. I thought it was because my commute is longer and she wasn’t getting enough playtime. I started trying to wear her out before bed every day, but she wasn’t getting any better. I finally figured it out one day when I realized that she wouldn’t chase a toy into my bedroom. I don’t know why she was avoiding the room, but I tidied the floor and started leaving treats in there for her while I’m away. She’s slowly started sleeping next to me again, and I feel much better.

    I feel like I dropped the ball with one of my friends (?) though. I don’t know if anyone remembers, but a few months back I took some space away from a toxic friend group, citing an OCD episode I was having at the time. I truly didn’t intend to ghost them but since then I’ve realized that I let one particular guy who used to be my bestie push me around and make me feel insane.

    He messaged me a few days ago and I got a big anxiety spike and never opened it. I think with everything we’ve been through together he deserves honesty, I just couldn’t make myself talk to him. The worst part is I’m sure he just sent me a goofy meme or something.

    So basically things are improving, but my weaknesses are still glaring.