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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • It’s only visible from the back, but more bikes are coming equipped with brake lights that strobe for a second when activated to get more attention. (We only have one rear brake light, compared to three on cars). And now it’s easy to find add-on helmet lights that also activate with the brakes. Not the all-rounder lighting you’re talking about, but early info seems promising.

  • Look at it this way, Google stopped caring about their viewers as anything more than wallets to empty years ago. Now they’re going through the same cycle with advertisers. They don’t care if the ads land, or the targeting works, just that they can convince them to keep buying ad space.

    Eventually the ROI will show as not worth it to the advertisers, but by then Pichai and the rest of the C-suite will be pulling the same scam at another company whose investors are more greedy and stupid than saavy.

    Because the horrible truth of America now, is that CEOs and their ilk have stopped caring about creating value, or building a sustainable business model with long term revenue. Now they just look at witless investors as wallets to be emptied too.

  • Sorry, all my measurements are without conversion. So yeah I’m shooting between 450-600. Mostly towards the lower end but occasionally all the way. I also think the150-500 would be a nice move but I have no experience with the Tamron as far as focus speed and stability.

    Ditto on the Sony G-master or whatever, when I see birders with one, I always wonder if they worked up to it or just bought the highest end lens they could. It has to be super hard to use that range without a gimble mount.

  • I actually took it to one MLB game and a couple farm games more to experiment and learn than anything else.

    I’m guessing as far as range, the farm stadium setup would be a decent approximation of what you’re doing. And if I wanted to get the very cool shot of a pitcher mid throw with sweat coming off the face, and the ball leaving the hand from say the waist up… yeah I would have to use pretty close to 400. But most action shots, like a slide, or home plate tag… No, more like you said, 300 ish, maybe less.

    You talked about future proofing, I don’t know if this is relevant but I can say the larger stadium makes a significant difference, but also because they don’t let me hang out with the actual press on the field.

    I do also have a feeling that at least on my APS-C , anything longer would absolutely require a monopod at least, even with the stabilization on the lens. (The 6400 doesn’t have IBIS). I don’t know if that would be practical for your purposes or setup.

    Those shots are from years ago on a HDD somewhere. I’ll see if can find any to give you an example.

  • Yeah, I hope I didn’t come off as like I was talking down, I was trying to keep the numbers and concerns in my head, and I see your first paragraph makes it clear you already understand all that.

    I have used it for sports, not as a pro, and not often, I thought it did an admirable job. I mostly use it for birds, but it really handles fast panning well in my opinion, which think translates reasonably from birds to sports.

    Now one thing I’m not necessarily trying for is the blurred background panning to give a sense of speed and motion. At least I’m not making that priority, so can’t speak to that kind of performance. But I think it should be as easily doable as most of the lenses you mentioned.

  • I assume you know this, but I believe the d5300 has a crop sensor of 1.5. So if you shoot at say 300 regularly with that you would need to shoot 450 with an a9 to get the same FOV/zoom.

    I have the Sigma 100-400 DX for my a6400 so I’m getting an equivalent FOV of 600mm. The lens is still rock solid with image stabilization, even fully hand-held. The auto focus motors are lickety-fast. It’s ~$900, and I’m thrilled with it.

    It sound like you really liked the a9, which is cool, get a body you like and are comfortable with, but you may still get more use from an APS-C than a full frame for less money. You said everything is outdoor day, and now the upscaling in PS, or Capture One, etc are so good prints from the smaller sensor don’t have to suffer.

    Well, that’s two of my particular cents, but I also would be curious what others would have to say.

  • I do work for a bunch of pharmaceutical companies and developing nation health outreach type organizations. (Don’t ask me much technical, I’m not personally on the medical side.) But I can tell you that most major pharmas, Health NGOs and Government drug safety regulatory bodies are keenly aware that “Vaccines are a victim of their own success.” They have multiple approaches to dealing with the problem that a successful vaccine campaign makes the need for the vaccines socially invisible. There are varying degrees of success, but not a lot of generalized and reliable ways to combat this kind of cognitive disconnect.