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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • From a financial standpoint point if your revenue is gone or dwindling as you mentioned there’s no longer any reason you should be taking on more debt for the business. I’m sure you know this but I would be very harsh on absolutely any kind of spending for the business if your revenue is failing or gone.

    Next, from an emotional standpoint, obviously this business is your baby and you’ve spent a lot of hard work on it clearly. But if you’re negative cash flowing every month, you need to understand the longer you keep it the harder it is going to be to recover. I don’t know your exact financials but if it is indeed failing you may want to consider liquidating absolutely everything. Inventory, equipment, desks, chairs, brand name and business itself etc and cut your losses. Your losses right now are more than just dollars, they’re taxing your mental state, and costing you time from your family. I would consider those things over the dollars.

    This is going to be harsh, but if you’re consistently cash flow negative each month, you no longer have a business. It’s turned more into a hobby that is costing you money and time. If it were me (easier said than done cause I have no emotional attachment to your business) I would cut losses and try and stop the bleeding as fast as possible. This would stop my debt from growing, give me my time back for my family and take a huge stress off my shoulders, so I can then devise a financial recovery plan and an entrepreneurial plan going forward.

    Good news: from a mental health standpoint, you’re super young. You got 30+ more working years ahead to build more businesses and be successful again. I think you need a short break though. If you can find any time to clear your head, take that time, you’ll be better equipped to handle this even if it’s just a day or two off.

    I’m sure you’ve got a lot of emotions going on right now but be proud of yourself. You built a business up from the ground up that did 6m/yr that’s incredible. You will rebound, people like you don’t give up. Your resilience + time will be your greatest asset in your entrepreneurial life!

    Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster of ups and downs and I can tell you have the work ethic that you’ll be back in no time. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!