Maybe it’s just the nostalgia, but I have always been a fan of Phantom Menace. Not sure I’d call any of them S tier, but at least relative to each other’s placement I think I mostly agree with this.
Maybe it’s just the nostalgia, but I have always been a fan of Phantom Menace. Not sure I’d call any of them S tier, but at least relative to each other’s placement I think I mostly agree with this.
Absolutely! Growth is important and not every possible community is mirrored on the fediverse. But if anything this is all the more reason for interpersonal connections to drive new user growth. That will naturally help filter users to instances they align with. I’m considering going so far as to host an instance specifically for my geographical area to really lean into the idea of a “local” internet.
I’m going to be holding a teach-in about the fediverse. AFK I mean. Like the people I live with, and am in community with in meat space. They all want to ditch corpo social media, but aren’t sure how. I’ll hold a digital one too for my more extended community, but I want to start with the people I truly live with. I think word of mouth is a great way to onboard people as it allows for a dynamic level of handholding. This is essentially “grassroots” social media after all.
I don’t really want Reddit to join Lemmy en masse. I want the people that see the value of pre-2010 social media, and the “local” internet, to understand and have access to these tools and spaces. I think that will be best done through education, not advertising. Advertising the platform is exactly what all the platforms we want to ditch do, and we are actively trying to not be those platforms.
The sense of “needing” more users, to me at least, is a hold out of the “infinite growth”, capitalist, mindset. I don’t want infinite growth for my instance, I want the people it’s made for to find it, and enjoy communicating with the people they share it with.
Yeah, my ideal setup would be a script that uses the Spotify API to fetch my discover weekly, and then if I like a song it goes and downloads the whole album it’s from, with the option of the artists whole discography. I’m slowly working through all my playlists finding the album each song is on, but I should really automate that process. has been doing well for me. You have to answer easy (and cute!) captchas periodically for bot prevention, buts it’s been stable, and results are at least as good as other options so far as I’m concerned.
I’m not able to check on my box right now, but I’ll try to take a peak at my configs when I get in front of an SSH connection.
+1 for SoulSeek and Slskd. Been using it for about a month now, and I’ve largely ditched Spotify because of it. Once I get the Arr integration working it’ll be a very nice system. Still deciding how I want to tackle music discovery, but sourcing the songs I know I want has been pretty easy.
Yeah agreed. I borked my repo a couple times and needed to rollback changes, re-sync everything, and resubmit changes. It was a bit scary, but that’s also kind of the beauty of the system, is it’s just files in a folder. I could move the conflicting files out, do a push/pull and then move the files back in and push. The biggest part is getting in the habit of doing a pull before I make any local changes on a device.
I haven’t heard of the tools you mentioned, but you’ve got me curious, so I’ll definitely be looking into them and a potential fix. I’m sure I could automate things with some simple scripting, but until I make my final move off iOS I’m sort of stuck with the clunky Unix Pass app on that OS which causes most of my issues.
Presumably you could just target the passwordstore folder with any version control, Unix Pass just has some git interaction built in.
I also use Unix pass and self host a git repo over Tailscale to keep it synced across devices. Works like a charm so long as I remember to push whenever I edit a password somewhere.
Huh, I wonder if there’s some font thing going on. They look like a ? and ! stacked on top of each other on my end.
Do interrobangs have some meaning I’m missing? Or you mean the rendering in some way?
All mine?? Really?‽!!‽‽
Yeah I’m not sure how the convention started, but grammatically it is a touch silly.
Honestly the 16tb one has my attention 👀
Damn, how did you unlock that particle trail for your bricks! Did I miss a DLC release or something???
I will definitely check it out!!
I’ve been wanting to get into Neocities!! You can do something similar with GitHub if you’re a tad more technically minded, and make Microsoft host your (presumably radical and queer) art on their dime.
I’m “for” it, in the sense I think we have effectively halted our evolution as it is driven by nature. Now we have the choice to evolve ourselves, and that takes many forms. Gender affirming care, to me, counts as the application of technology to better my life/cognition/function. It is me evolving myself. Which does clash a bit against my environmentalist streak, but yeah. Technology as a way to continue the evolution we have otherwise stopped.
If I really boiled it down, I just want the chip from my transit card embedded in the palm of my hand lol
I know a few of these and will be checking out the rest.
Welcome!! Glad you found us!