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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • It has been quite a while since the last progress report. A ton of progress has been made since then, but I simply didn’t get around writing a new progress report. There have been 639 commits since the last progress report. This is significantly more than the last time given how long there has been since the last progress report.

    Is this rap?
    Some work needs to be done on the flow.
    Nice bars though.

    Release builds are slower but should still be faster than the LLVM backend.

    Had us in the second half.

    the resulting executables are about 20% faster and for simple-raytracer faster than LLVM in debug mode.

    Had us in the first half.

    core::simd is fully supported through emulation

    Had us in the first half again.

    There are still things to be done though. [link] lists things I know of that still need to be done.

    You see that “though”… you thinkin’… the rhythm… I’ve broken it!
    Accidentally repetitive?.. or maybe I’m just… unrollin’ it!

    You go be busy… with them sanitizers… and tracebacks
    I’ll just be here chilin’… and puttin’ Rust on them maps

    No but seriously, great work.

    And yes, I know that was lame/cringe.

  • Eh research shows otherwise. Rust eliminates defects for a very particular set of problems, but when it comes to logical correctness it isn’t better or worse than other languages.

    Can you concede, at least to yourself, that you made ^ this ^ up?

    By the way, what you claimed “research shows” is so ridiculous that it’s hilarious that you wrote it while being serious.

    Hell, I cheekily mentioned Python and JS in particular because the former introduced type hints and the latter triggered creating TS as a saner shield.

    Btw, that wrongly-constructed URL wasn’t even an external one. We literally have web frameworks that make sure non-external URLs with invalid paths are impossible to construct. In other words, attempting to construct a wrong one would be a compile error.

  • Public Availability of “Painter” Tool

    We are proud to announce the first publicly-available tool in our Security Toolkit: Painter! Painter is an open source project that creates a complete call graph across the entire crates ecosystem to reveal how crates relate to each other. When a vulnerability exists in one crate, Painter allows users to more easily assess potential or active risks to other crates.

    The tool is aimed at addressing issues and determining risks when using other tools (such as Cargo Audit). This allows users to not only determine if a vulnerable dependency exists but if the attack path is realized. Painter was created by Rust Foundation Security Engineer Walter Pearce and released for public usage in July 2023.

    ^ This is new(ish) info.

  • It’s about not ignoring the clear underlying cause of the bug that is screaming at everyone who reads the bug description.

    Include something along the lines of “We will use the URL crate and utilize its API to avoid trivial URL construction errors like this one in the future”, and I may take your postmortem seriously.

    A flawless developer does not exist, and at no point did I fault any developer directly for their development work. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore something that is/was clearly and inherently wrong with the code. You would think this is all stating the obvious.

    So it’s not "just don’t write buggy code in the first place!”. It’s “this code could clearly have been written in a way that would have prevented this bug from ever taking place”.

    And yes, good code matters. A good language matters. A good type system matters. A good use of a good language with its type system, patterns, abstractions, ecosystem, and all it got to offer matters. This is Rust afterall. If those things don’t matter, then we might as well let the code be written in Python or JS, and fully recommit to the church of TDD.

  • Funny how you got successfully distracted by the procedural failure dance, where the obvious, as expected, got zero mentions. Giving software engineering lectures seems to be right up your alley.

    If I was the author of that commit, or any crates.io developer, I would have wanted to be called out for not constructing URLs correctly. That’s the obvious first fault here. Not even hinting at that would have felt so cringe.