Alt account of @Badabinski

Just a sweaty nerd interested in software, home automation, emotional issues, and polite discourse about all of the above.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • Sorry for the off-topic question, but is your username a reference to the Culture books? I think that would have been a great addition to Very Little Gravitas Indeed/Zero Gravitas/Experiencing A Significant Gravitas Shortfall. Like, I can just imagine a book where the Very Little Gravitas Indeed, Zero Gravitas, and A Gravitas Deficiency all happen to be in the same incident group chat and constantly fuck around while the other ships debate and fuss, and then one or all three of them pulls a rabbit out of the hat and fixes the problem while the other Minds aren’t looking.

    God, I miss Iain M. Banks. Also, if your username isn’t a reference then I probably sound like an absolute lunatic.

  • what the fuck

    What is it with this fucking man and disgusting dead animals‽ Like, this was before the brain worm started driving ffs! I really thought the brain worm was the reason this dude was so fucking crazy, but apparently not! It must be Rosemary Kennedy’s ghost, tormenting the family for what they did.

    EDIT: Jesus I just can’t get over this. They’re dead man you don’t have to fuck with them just leave them alone and enjoy your time on the beach with your family or in Central Park throwing dirt clods at the drifters like you want to

    just don’t fucking touch the dead animals anymore

    EDIT: I’ve done some more research and have learned a few things

    1. the US education system sucks at telling recent history because i just learned about RFK’s assassination
    2. maybe he’s all crazy and fucked up because his uncle and dad were assassinated when he was 9 and 14
    3. maybe he’s all crazy and fucked up because he was doing fucking heroin from the age of 15 (jesus what does that do to a developing brain)
    4. maybe he’s all crazy and fucked up because his family was probably neglectful (and possibly abusive) as hell because he certainly acted like a neglected and spoiled teenager (he was suspected of committing a bunch of crimes and shit with other kids)

    like, I just want to understand what his fucking problem is. It was easy when it was the brain worm. I view him as a bit dangerous which is probably why I’m latching onto this and trying to understand his motivations. Dangerous people are easier to handle emotionally if you know why they’re dangerous and what they want.

  • Very true! I was just in a rush and didn’t want to explain who he was.

    For others, Bryan Cantrill (the guy in the video) is an incredibly gifted engineer who worked for Sun Microsystems before they got bought out by Oracle. He was deeply involved in Solaris (Sun’s really cool operating system that included pioneering shit like ZFS), and was then involved with Illumos, which was a fork of Solaris. He worked for a company called Joyent that made a super fucking cool thing called SmartOS, and now he’s the CTO for a company called Oxide Computer.

    This is a hideously bad summary of his accomplishments. People who want to know more should read his Wikipedia article or watch the talk I posted. He’s a great presenter, so his talks are always pretty entertaining.

    EDIT: The shit they’re doing at Oxide is absolutely nuts. They’re making what is effectively a datacenter contained within one 48u rack, and they’re writing all their own firmware and BIOS and shit for it. It’s crazy cool.

  • Badabinski@kbin.earthtoLinux@lemmy.mlGoldilocks distro?
    6 days ago

    For me, it’s Arch for desktop usage. When I first started using Arch it would not have been Arch, but now it’s Arch. The package manager has great ergonomics (not great discoverability, but great ergonomics), it’s always up to date, I can get a system from USB to sway in ~20 minutes (probably be faster if I used the installer), it’s fast because it doesn’t enable many things by default, and it’s honestly been the most reliable distro I’ve ever used. I used to use OpenSUSE ~10 years ago, and that broke more in one year than Arch has in ten.

    I personally feel like Arch’s unreliable nature has been overstated. Arch will give you the rope to hang yourself if you ask for it, but if you just read the emails (or use a helper that displays breaking changes when updating like paru) and merge your pacnews then you’ll likely have a rock solid system.

    Again, this is all just my opinion. It’s easy for me to overlook or forget all of the pain and suffering I likely went through when learning how to Arch. I won’t recommend it to you, but I’ll happily say how much I’ve come to enjoy using it.

  • So, like, I agree with you. We need to make people less miserable. We need to find ways to make people feel less marginalized through better representation, and a reduction in authoritarian measures. I also feel that ending the cycle of abuse that leads to damaged children growing into harmful adults should be prioritized and addressed with better social services (free healthcare including mental healthcare) and societal reforms. You and I fundamentally agree on this, and everything I’m about to say below is the result of me being in a bad mood because my FIL shared some fucking stupid racist GOP misinformation with me about the cats and the Haitian people. I’m being pedantic (and frankly irritating) about this, but I’m just not regulating myself very well today.

    I guess I’d question how much more accessible 3D printing is making it. Like, there are definitely gun parts you can 3D print, but they tend not to be the important bits. You can somewhat successfully 3D print the important bits, but that requires a lot of knowledge and skill (printing with high strength/high temperature plastics like Nylon or polycarbonate isn’t easy, even with the newest crop of printers), plus a good printer (which is either expensive, or was self-built which increases the knowledge and skill required). If someone wants to make a gun with a 3D printer, they’ll have to get a printer (and either spend $1000+ or spend $500 + months making one), learn how to use it, learn how to print with better filaments, buy all the vitamins (i.e. parts that can’t be printed) and then they’ll end up with a kinda shitty gun. Alternatively, they can do what Yamagami did and buy some cheap metal pipe and a battery and some tape. They’ll get a kinda shitty gun without all of the 3D printing hassle for much cheaper.

    Hell, if someone wants to make a good gun then machine tools have never been cheaper. I have a metal lathe and milling machine sitting out in my shop right now. I do not (and will never) make guns, but I could. My dad does competitive target shooting (Palma rifle) and has asked me if I could machine stuff for him which is why I’ve thought of this (I told him no, btw). My lathe was built in the 1950s and was $500. My mill is more expensive (about $4000 brand new), but I’m sure you could make a gun with a used $1000 mill. Machining is harder to learn than 3D printing, but with machine tools you can make more capable guns (i.e. semiautomatic/automatic, accurate, precise, reliable). The drawings are out there, and I’m sure I could turn some 4140 and O1 steel scrap pieces I have into a little gun. I can even make my own springs with my lathe. I have a granite lapping plate so I can make parts that are incredibly flat and smooth. I have a MAPP gas torch that I’ve used to harden and temper tool steel. A small home machine shop can produce a gun that’s as good as anything from, say, the 1940s.

    Should we say that companies like Harbor Freight or Grizzly are making homemade guns more accessible because they’re selling cheap lathes and mills? I don’t feel that’s fair. Our technology and automation is getting better in general, which is making guns more accessible. It’s why Yamagami was able to kill a world leader with parts from the hardware store. We can’t really do much to stop the hardware store problem. All we can do is what you said. We can remove the things that make people feel the need to own a gun.

  • I want to call out something, since I feel a connection is being drawn here that is not valid. His gun was not 3D printed.

    Investigative sources said that the gun used in the incident consisted of two metal cylinders wrapped in vinyl tape, which could fire six projectiles when the trigger was pulled. When prefectural police examined the seized weapon, they found it was equipped with an electrical cord and battery and that it was designed to ignite the gunpowder with an electrical current.

    Sourced from this site:

    I’m not taking issue with most of what you said, but FDM 3D printers aren’t the issue here. Making a gun can be done at home with essentially no tools. I don’t think we should get pulled in to blaming societal issues on a single piece of technology.

    I’m in a hurry so I’ve left this comment short, I may come back and edit it with more thoughts later.

  • If he were shooting something bigger than 5.56, then you’d want to try to seat it more firmly in your shoulder. An AR-15/M16 generates pretty negligible recoil, so it’s fine. I used to compete in across-the-course service rifle when I was much younger (before I grew up enough to realize I hated the culture in that community), and I’d have the butt even higher up in my shooting coat’s shoulder if I needed to do so in order to get a good cheek weld. At a glance, his technique looks okay. I’ve no experience with the front grips like that (my AR-15 had no rails for mounting shit), but the rest of his stance seeeeems okay.

    I’m guessing that he was a dipshit in other ways and this bad publicity brought the other badness to light.