But still the luxury handbag will be better than the non-luxury one. Whereas the luxury software will be worse, because the non-luxury brand can afford way more manpower to make it great. On the other hand, a luxury software company cannot afford the ad spend to increase brand perception.
The essence of the software business is the vanishing marginal cost. That is what makes the business model so great.
A luxury software essentially cuts itself out of the single most value generating market mechanism in the industry.
I don’t say luxury software is impossible. But I say that the market dynamics of the software industry are such, that the dominating players and vast majority of successful businesses (wrt. to revenue, size, cultural influence) will be mass market or specifically tailored b2b products. Not luxury goods.
There are junior DS positions or data analyst positions available with a bachelor’s. Though most AI practitioners have a graduate degree. A phD is certainly helpful but if Your goal is industry, building a track record of training models also does the job.
Plus outside of academia the software engineering part is of significant importance and something you can, if you invest the time, really set yourself apart by learning proper software engineering!