Milky Way Galaxy

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  • 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • In his defense he put in hella hours to get it where it is. I agree he should give more feedback though. He was MIA when someone pinged him in the discord about the breaking changes of 19 and he chimed in and updated it. I was active in the discord and was in the closed beta. He did a LOT of work around the clock. Here’s to hoping he comes back with more frequent (even if minor) updates.

  • Yeah, that’s true, but I feel the message will be more hopeful for some reason. One is simulating the situation we are in and how we get out (climate change), the other is simulating going back into another pandemic after already having gone through a real one. It’s a subtle difference.

    I think we are all interested in solving climate change, but personally feel inept as the problems are bigger than an individual can manage. Like, my personal recycling is not going to save the planet. It’s going to take large geopolitical and technological changes. A game where I can simulate being in the position to make those large impactful changes sounds really cool and empowering, and hopeful. And the cooperative aspect of it brings in the community aspect of us all working together to solve a global problem.

    I also think this can be a really great way to simplify the complexity of the issue to kids in a fun way, while giving them ideas on how it can be solved, and ultimately teach them that this issue is solvable…because it must be solved.

  • That doesn’t change the fact that it is possible. Also some people have vacation homes, or use airbnbs that have better wifi speeds, or will be willing to pay for faster hotel speeds. It’s totally possible, but yes, your point stands that connection speeds matter and I would lower expectations if you are traveling.

    Hopefully we get some deeper in depth reviews out there in the coming weeks. A lot of these reviewers only had the weekend and rushed these out. SpawnPoiint, which actually had a good review, admitted that during his review period he never even ran down the battery once. And according to Tested’s review it only has a 4-5.5 hour battery life. The Verge article is also not the best review compared to some reviews like Tested, who tested this on multiple different connection speeds. Having read/watched most of these reviews, the Verge one seems to be the lowest effort.