Same great Dharma, new Fediverse packaging!

Check out for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • My mom has always used a call for puppies that I don’t know how to type, so I made a YouTube short. Haha.

    The first one is the call my mom uses with all her dogs, the second one is my augmented version. I wanted a call the dogs knew that if they heard it, they knew 100% there were no repercussions. No scolding, or having to go get in their bed. Only good things. I’ve had dogs in the past that, if they thought they might get in trouble, would run, and these fellers are so little and fragile, that scares the crap out of me. So, they got the augmented call, which is just the regular call, but to the nickelodeon theme tune.

    The last one is the noise we make when it’s time to go outside to poop. It’s the poop call. If they hear it, they’re supposed to go poop.

  • I started using Linux in 2008. A friend of mine on an old forum showed me wubi and helped me get set up. When he went AWOL and stopped posting, I went on some Ubuntu forum and asked for help with a problem I was having (WiFi had stopped working randomly). Those people tore me apart and spit on my bloodied corpse. It was brutal. Apparently, I was a disgusting moron for using wubi instead of replacing windows (on my netbook with no disc drive) entirely. It was insane. I’ve since discovered that I’d just found a particularly toxic group by chance, and that most of the community is actually very kind. But at the time, it was genuinely hurtful. I not only stopped asking for help for a long time, I stopped learning about Linux and computers in general because I felt like it was something I’d never understand, I was clearly too stupid to get it.

  • It never ceases to amaze me, as a child and care giver of a parent with physical disabilities, how much this world is designed with no regard for people. It’s incredible. Fuck city planners.

    My mom had a similar issue in our town, though no where near as bad. Her wheelchair is quite a bit heavier, but we got a small folding ramp that we bungee to the back of her chair and take with us everywhere. Whenever we find somewhere that she can’t go because of a step of less than 12 inches/30cm we can use that. It it’s more than that, we just have to figure something else out or not go there. It’s not okay the way everything is designed. And it doesn’t make sense. Everyone, regardless of mobility, can use a ramp, not everyone can use a step. Why is it so hard to get the fucking ramp?