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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • “The poll found that 36% of respondents 18-29 agree that “political involvement rarely has any tangible results” – up from 22% who felt that way in 2018. Those who agree that “I don’t believe my vote will make a real difference” went to 42% in the current poll, an increase from 31% in 2018. And well more than half – 56% – believe that “politics today are no longer able to meet the challenges our country is facing,” up from 45% who felt that way in 2018.” https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2022-04-25/youth-losing-faith-in-politics-poll Took me two minutes on Google to see the MASSIVE difference between young people being disengaged in every political cycle and what is happening now.

    While you have laid this all at the feet of change a generation has to deal with. I would argue that it is the complete lack of change that drives this. You can see the massive shift we are having where political power has only the use of enriching the individual. Senators gets bribes and we get a worse country, repeat. But the amount that younger generations have been invited into this inner circle of bribed law makers, rich people, and those tasked with penning the actual laws has swiftly moved to almost zero. You are not welcome in politics if you are young, and until you get older, jaded, and much more willing to take bribes at the cost of your convictions, we don’t need you.

    The idea that gen z gives a shit at all is honestly astounding. Like imagine growing up, and your parents never had the power to do anything positive for the country. Your grandparents are running the family business, and no one is ready to take over when grandpa dies, because they didn’t want to prepare tge world to go on without them. They wanted tge world to crash and burn when they die so that everyone will know they were needed.

    At least that is the perspective of someone who first voted for Obama and change. And all I got was dead brown people in the middle east at ever increasing rates.

    Honestly as a left leaning American, it looks like the plan of massive non-white genocide that the old white people love is continuing swimmingly. And will probably continue to as long as tge only path for a young person to power is boot licking or nepotism.

  • "Let’s talk about how Trump is the primary nominee, and he raped a woman and threatens everyone. "

    Go for it, make another thread about how dumb it is to vote for Trump. You can do that. People do it all the time. We are talking about a different person in a different party.

    “There’s literally no reason that Biden can’t be a good leader. He’s demonstrated it over the past few years. And it’s normal for the current president to be given a second shot.”

    Not representing a majority in policy and having a super low approval rating isn’t a reason he can’t be a good leader? Is there any reason my neice can’t be a good leader? Also, it is not normal for the president to be this old. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_age The president should be between 45 years old and 65 years old.

    “The only real objection most people could arguably make for Biden is regarding Israel”

    This is a wild take. The only possible reason that is REAL is this one issue!

    court takes away bodily autonomy from 51% of the population

    government does nothing to pass a law to fix it after Biden campaigned on fixing it

    “There is not a single reason anyone has to be mad at Biden!”


  • 1 + 1 = 2 _ increase of 1
    2 + 1 = 3 _ increase of 1
    3 × 3 = 9 _ 3 times more

    You need both modifiers to reach the max potential because 3 times 1 is only three, but by have two increase by 1 you end up with 9!

    That is how the increased and more work.

    The crazy part is when you do X fire damage which critical hits for y% more damage with z increased damage and a multipled damage. Also you have b % more burning damage and increased burning damage and ailment % increased damage and so forth. ;)