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Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I’ve seen so many older couples where the woman was 100% dependent on the man. He never allowed her to manage finances, have access to the bank accounts, pay bills, etc. and then after 30-40 years he leaves or dies, and then she’s left without any life experience whatsoever and has no idea how to manage her own life.

    That’s the part that really kills it for me. Even if you have the absolute perfect couple, its got glaring flaws. It increases risk for higher… comfort? Because in high risk high reward, if it pays off you are more stable than you started. That doesn’t happen with a tradwife couple. You constantly have a higher risk, but a nicer house, a warmer family, better food, more involved community. (Again, I’m assuming the absolute perfect couple. I’m not even considering the power dynamics.) Which… it’s bizarre because that all should be worth it but… it topples so much easier. Even in the best case.

    Like… this seems straight up like a flaw in society.

  • This has always been my concern with the tradwife movement. I can certainly see why there would be appeal but you need to be very cautious of who you want to be a tradwife to. You create a lot of dependence on your partner, You sacrifice a lot of power, and once you start doing this it becomes increasingly difficult taking it back.

    Even with the perfect partner to be a tradwife to. You don’t remove the problems with dependence. You can argue that “well I have full faith my partner and I will stay together” but at any point it can all get taken away.

    With two partners a single layoff sucks, but you can stay afloat much better than two layoffs. It’s like a two engine and a single engine plane. A two engine has redundancy, it can limp. Single engine becomes a glider after failure.

    Speaking of failure, doesn’t matter how angelic your partner is, heart failure will kill them and wreck your life too. Then you have life insurance but no resume or job experience. Hope you saved.

    It’s genuinely kind of infuriating, because start mixing in handywork, house repair, landscaping, childcare, cooking, cleaning, organizing, with the recently added 3dprinting, searching online for 2nd hand goods, volunteering within your community, a LOT of value should be getting generated… but none of it gets recorded… or removes your dependency on your partner.

  • Well the entity system adds an entirely new branch of research, that works separately from workbenches. To make fast progress in the darker research you need mutliple sources of dark research in the form of trapped entities. A LOT can go into the containment of some of these entities, basically making sure you have a room that can actually hold some of this stuff. So from there I actually prefer the research loop to the main method. Not only that it doesn’t take AN ENTIRE PAWN’S DAY to actually perform. I haven’t caught anything SUPER nasty yet, but I see the pieces that will require a supermax of entity containment. I kinda feel like I could forgo research and move direct into the darker research. Make an army of ghouls.

    Honestly I feel like it’s definitely bigger than the royalty DLC, and I’m only about five hours in.

  • I mean, I understand leaving out Brick. Both Roland and Brick are not… bastions of dialogue. Both combined could be a bit much in a film. Even though he’s a fascinating character. Mordecai confuses me more. He seems like a much better straight man (comedy term, not the orientation) than Roland or Brick, and if he operates like a sniper then he makes a great diagetic narrator to move dialogue and scenes because he operates as the scout from range. Granted the CG for the bird will probably cost.

    I’m sure a good chunk was they wanted more Tiny Tina, and then they added Kreig just for the reveal moment which is… a lot of dedicated screen time just to create a moment. Seeing as he barely had any time in the trailer… clearly he doesn’t shine in this film.

  • Oh it’s easy, they just googled “Roland voice lines” and he sounds like a perfect role for Kevin heart.

    Could he pull off the borderlands 2 Roland intro? I don’t think so, but I’ve been surprised before.

    What really has me saddened is the whole pisswater gully bit. Tiny Tina is a native of pandora, Roland and Lilith are not (to my knowledge). So if anything, the roles should have been entirely reversed because:

    1. It makes more sense.

    2. It’s way funnier.

    Which means they’re messing with backstory of the characters to match… nothing. Because it doesn’t seem to make the writing better, and it differs from the original. It would also match Tiny Tina’s character so much better and mitigate the annoying whiny child part of the character that is just SHINING through this trailer.

  • It’s because a person can crank out a deep fake in 3 hours, and a crappy one in one. It never cropped up because… well lets be real it was a couple of weirdos that were doing it, unless it bubbles up from the dark corners of the internet you risk the Streisand effect by bringing attention to it.

    AI can crank out 40 in a minute. 7200 in three hours. That’s an entirely different beast. The sheer mass and volume ramps up the odds of any image bubbling up from the dark corners of the web falling into the limelight and now this problem that wasn’t big enough to merit thought is rearing up it’s ugly head right in front of us.

    You can generate unique pictures of Taylor Swift faster than even Taylor swift can generate pictures of Taylor Swift. Within one hour of Taylor swift being seen with a man (and you have enough images of the man) you can create a dozen images of her on a date with that man and attempt to sell them to paparazzi.

    The problem is volume. Just like how email made everyone connected and allowed the Nigerian Prince scandal to occur.