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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • If you know C++ already, Unreal is a much more natural starting point than either Unity or Godot.

    Unreal is what gets used in many AAA shops - it’s not a monopoly by any means but it is the most common off-the-shelf engine in the industry. Unity’s main edge is that it’s easy to learn but if you are comfortable in C++ then there’s no real benefit to Unity.

    Godot uses GDScript, which is a custom scripting language that’s meant to be easy to learn. It’s FOSS so you don’t need to worry about being screwed over - but it’s a lot less mature than something like Unreal which can ship on everything you can think of.

    But my advice is to make small things. Don’t hyperfocus on a dream game. Just make things that will take a weekend (maybe a week at most). Then move on to something else.

    When I was getting into game dev, I made a couple simple projects then jumped into my dream game. I spent so long making that one game that I never finished.

    When I got hired in the industry, they cared more about what I released than what my education or job experience was. Because that one big game was never finished, I wound up with my smaller “just getting started” games on my resume; stuff I had made but wasn’t proud of. But those games were at least finished and available to the public… and they were what got me hired, not my magnum opus overscoped unfinished indie game I never completed.

  • I’m a little sad. My last studio was literally next to a Gold Line station here in Los Angeles. I could bike to the Gold Line and make it to work, and the Gold Line ran frequently and late.

    My current job is a mile away from a Metrolink station. On the one hand - at least there’s a nearby station! On the other hand - the Metrolink trains are running the wrong direction for me, I’d need to make a connection at LA Union Station, and the latest one that goes the direction I need it to go (while still allowing me to make my connection) leaves at 5 (which is still considered core working hours for me).

    The schedule is like… impressively bad. I’d use it if they ran it later, but they don’t seem to think anyone could possibly be headed in any other direction other than “towards LA” in the morning and “away from LA” at night.

  • Benefits matter, too.

    I’m in the AAA gaming industry. EA laid me off earlier this year, and so I wound up looking for work elsewhere.

    I’ve learned that really - the pay doesn’t matter if you hate your life every day. If I wanted good pay, I would learn COBOL and write software at a bank. What matters the most is the quality of the team you’re working with (primary), and what benefits your employer has (secondary).

    If Meta were to call me up and say “Hey, we want you to be on a team with the greatest coworkers you’ve ever had,” then I’d at least hear them out. What is their culture? Do they believe in crunch? How do they handle sick days? Vacations?

    And yes, WFH is part of that, too. But if they were willing to pay to relocate me, buy me a house near a metro station… yeah, I’d take it.

    But if they were to offer me that exact same deal - except there’s no guarantees about production schedules/timelines, there’s the “bus problem” (where the project couldn’t survive someone important being hit by a bus), there’s a lot of crunch (or just bad experiences from friends who’ve worked there… Blizzard offered me a sweetheart deal and I said no because of that history)… I’m less likely to want to bite.

    And everyone has different preferences. I’ve known some people who love the office. I don’t mind it myself, with the right group. But everyone has to make their own call.

  • Not easily, but if you become a game developer you can start to tell at a glance. Unity games have a very specific type of jank and look + feel. (So do Unreal, Source, and Godot games.)

    Even if a game is highly stylized, a Unity game always “feels” like a Unity game. Kerbal Space Program, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, Pokemon Go, Cuphead, Untitled Goose Game, Cities Skylines, Valheim, etc. It’s a combination of physics, shaders, and input latency that’s hard to put into words.

    The closest I’ve come to seeing a game that breaks out of the “made in Unity” feel is Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe, which was made in Unity but pretends to be made in Source (the original Stanley Parable was made in Source).

  • Freedom of speech. Everyone is able to be heard, even if their opinions are distasteful. It’s what the US was built on and why people can fly swastikas and wear klan hoods without being arrested.

    They can only be arrested if they commit a crime, not because their views are horrible. You can walk down the street yelling racial slurs at everyone and that’s perfectly legal as long as you aren’t being violent or inciting others to violence.

    That doesn’t mean society has to tolerate them - counter-protesting is alive and well, and Nazis have been fired from their jobs for their views. But the government can’t arrest them simply for being Nazis.

  • Depending on how much money you expect to lose, that may be the more prudent option for some.

    At the very least you’d have something to work with - it’s not truly “from scratch”.

    I work in the AAA industry and I’ve ported code from one engine to another - it’s not fast by any means, but at the very least you can assume the code that’s there is largely correct. The killers are materials/shaders, porting over design work, and fixing timing issues. If you have netcode that can be tricky as well.

    But at the very least you can have the core of your game running again reasonably. It’s how things like Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe went from Source to Unity, and how Pokemon BDSP went from the proprietary Pokemon engine to Unity.

    Indies and AAs can hire some extra hands to work temporarily with their existing engineers to port and they’d probably lose less money than Unity is charging.

  • It’s like you didn’t even read the last half of my comment.

    Of course it’s not good right now. I admitted as such. I even said the same things you said.

    But do you really think capitalism will just sit on its hands and let this stuff stay bad forever? Do you really think this is the apex of this tech? Half your arguments are “well don’t give them your business then”, disregarding the fact that change is already happening on the ground from AI drive-thrus to self-checkouts to the death of concept artists.

    It’s like the people saying the Internet was a fad, or people insisting climate change was overblown. Sticking your head in the sand and assuming that “it’ll never be good” is opening yourself up to being blindsided - because what if you’re wrong?

    Arrogantly assuming that this stuff will never get better is how we’d wind up with large swaths of the workforce kicked out of their jobs as they get replaced by robots. Assuming the status quo is always going to be the same is what we did with climate change for decades, and now we’re here and fucked.

    Could you imagine what would be different if we took climate change seriously in 2002? We’re dealing with the same sort of threat now. We should lobby for protections and legislation like UBI to ensure that the threat can’t come to pass - or if it does, that a broad social safety net can take care of everyone.

    You may work in FOSS, but I work in AAA game development as an engineer, primarily C++ - otherwise I have the same qualifications as you.

    I cannot talk about what I do but trust me when I say I see this stuff on the horizon from within the capitalistic beast. Things are in motion that I don’t think we can come back from. Execs have dollar signs in their eyes and R&D is full steam ahead.

    But let’s say I’m wrong, and for whatever reason all of automation is somehow a dead-end. What’s wrong with having a better safety net? What’s wrong with preparing workers better for large shocks to the economy?

    If we prepare and I’m wrong - then at least there’s a net benefit that will stick around next time a large depression or economic shock happens (e.g. COVID). If we don’t prepare and you are wrong, then huge sections of the economy are absolutely fucked.

    Which would you rather have?