Don’t Think, Just Jam

  • 61 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023

  • Fair enough. While it doesn’t really affect the game I decided to mention the grading system since it’s pretty much a part of the photography loop. As much as I would like to say otherwise, I still have a problem with not being able to completely disregard scoring systems in games. It’s especially weird since I don’t really care about them post the summary screen. I don’t go back to improve the score, brag about it or anything like that. I agree that the exploration approach is the best way to go about the game.

    I was really surprised with how much the second part of the game made the whole thing work for me. Early on I thought it was fun and had some interesting lore but that was about it, something was still missing. Only after things really got going everything clicked into place and I started to fully appreciate everything before and after that point. I wasn’t spoiled but I did expect something like that to happen. What I didn’t expect was for the game to just go all in like it did.

    That’s really the core of what I like about indie games - they can be janky, ugly and broken but when they work, they can make for some truly great experiences.

  • I’m playing Medabots: Kabuto for GBA. It’s a pretty fun although simple JRPG. It has a neat unit customization system, enjoyable story and great art/music.
    Combat is unique in a way that can be a bit annoying (you only have a partial control on who to target) but it’s something one can get used to and work around to some extent.

    I also installed The Sims 2 (Ultimate Collection, not the Legacy one) but I didn’t really spend much time playing it on the Deck (I usually default to my desktop playthrough). Based on a short test I did manage to do it seems to be working and controlling pretty well so that’s promising at least.

    Edit: I spent some time playing TS2 on the Deck. Beyond some short freezes when browsing through larger lists of content (clothing, furniture etc) the game runs really good, as expected. Unfortunately I don’t find the controls on Deck to be comfortable enough to keep going - basic keyboard and mouse setup is the way for me with this one.

  • I couldn’t really settle on what to play this week so I ended up with a bit of a mess.

    First things first, Counter-Strike 2 is no more. As engaging as the game is something just doesn’t feel right for me with this one. My main issue seems to have something to do with controls since I never had this many issues getting stuck on corners and doorways with any of the previous games. I don’t know what it is, I just can’t get the feeling for them.
    There’s also a pretty severe performance issue which feels like a memory leak that happens quite often in the middle of a match - again, don’t know why since it doesn’t happen every time or only on certain maps.
    All in all, I can safely say I had way more fun with CS:GO but since the legacy branch won’t work for me (game only flickers for a second and closes) I can safely put this experiment to rest.

    Second, my The Sims playthrough might be finished because of the sequel. I installed TS2 to refresh my memory and compare it with the original - I ended up playing through the night with barely any breaks. As much as I love the first game TS2 is just on another level and I ended up launching it whenever I had some free time, in contrast to the original which requires me to be in a specific mood to enjoy it.
    I didn’t have this much fun with the series in a long time now so it was funny to go through this return arc only to see EA release the legacy packs. I hope lots of new folks get to enjoy those games as both hold up really well despite their age.

    I also spent some time playing Euro Truck Simulator 2. It was my main choice whenever I couldn’t focus on anything.

    Daggerfall is on hold until I had my fill of The Sims. It might take a while but I’ll be back, eventually.
    Medabots also took a back seat to some extent but I’m still actively playing here and there.

  • Here’s what EA has to say about this.

    The Sims:

    • The Sims Livin’ Large
    • The Sims House Party
    • The Sims Hot Date
    • The Sims Vacation
    • The Sims Unleashed
    • The Sims Superstar
    • The Sims Makin’ Magic

    The Sims 2:

    • The Sims 2: University
    • The Sims 2: Nightlife
    • The Sims 2: Open for Business
    • The Sims 2: Pets
    • The Sims 2: Bon Voyage
    • The Sims 2: Seasons
    • The Sims 2: FreeTime
    • The Sims 2: Apartment Life
    • The Sims 2: Holiday Party Pack
    • The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Celebration! Stuff
    • The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff

  • I’m still staying with the last week’s list for the most part.

    I’m continuing my low combat Daggerfall playthrough “lifethrough”. I’m just traveling around and focus on doing everyday tasks for people. It’s nice.

    Time management in The Sims is slowly getting easier - it’s still a bit of a pain but I’m improving. I’m thinking about reinstalling TS2 to compare whether it’s just me or if these parts of the game were improved there (I genuinely don’t remember as it’s been a while since I played the game).

    I’m mostly fine with Medabots: Kabuto combat system now as it can be worked around to some extent. More surprisingly however I’m not as annoyed with random encounters in this game as I usually would be, even though games like Pokemon or Final Fantasy tend to have shorter fights overall. Don’t know what’s the reason for this change but I’ll take it - I’d have a difficult time trying to finish it otherwise.

    Last but not least, I’ve been playing a few games of Counter-Strike 2 here and there. I don’t expect to stick with it for long but it was interesting to jump back after few years of not touching the game (the last time I did CS2 wasn’t even out). I’m positively surprised I’m not complete trash despite my break though it’s not like I had any expectations to begin with. No way I can compete with peeps playing it nonstop for years.

    Edit: welp, I tried to run CS:GO to check out whether some of my hangups with 2 are new or existed back then but the game won’t even launch. Thanks for the legacy branch Valve.