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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • All an NFT does is cause somebody’s GPU to spin up and generate carbon emissions associated with the same literal string of zeros and ones that accompanies every other copy of the print. It doesn’t represent any additional attention on the part of the creator. It’s just a substandard copy that comes with excess waste.

    None of that is true. You don’t need a GPU to spin up to do anything. You are conflating mining crypto currency with NFTs. A NFT is just a cryptographic signature kept on some sort of blockchain that is associated with an image or file or unique pointer. You can use a preexisting blockchain or even make your own. Blockchains don’t have to be mineable and blockchains themselves are actually a good idea… mineable crypto currency is just a really shitty use case for them. It has nothing to do with mining and is just another form of cryptographic signature.

    Edit: The fact that you think a physical signature has value while a unique digital signature (yes… the signature is unique) has none is personal preference and once again not the point I am making. I am saying it is a type of signature and some collectors might find value in it.

  • I figured out how to do it fairly quickly but it would be a hell of a lot easier if people could just type in “11700K” in a box on a web page or something and it could just tell them. Or they could have added a little bit of code to their CPU ID utility that says “yupp your processor is effected by the flaw”. I am mostly annoyed at all this not for me but for all the people who would read those pages and the contents would seem like an insane foreign language to them all while articles are telling them it’s a major security flaw that would allow people to steal their encryption keys.

  • Every article is a copy paste of the same bullshit talking about the vulnerability and pointing to the stupid cryptic list of processors that requires you to jump through hoops to read it. You can’t just search for your processor in a database I mean fuck that would take them at least an a couple hours of their precious time to set up and they have only had a year. How do you fix it? Why with a microcode update of course!!..from where you ask? Well don’t worry just look at the cryptic list it will tell you if you need a microcode update!!

    Fuck every article about this shit. Anyone wanna bust an Eli5 on how to fix this problem for people? (I was assuming it’s a BIOS update but the articles have only confused me further)