• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • How are the alternatives any better? Download a DEB that executes arbitrary code, signed with some .asc that’s sitting in the same webserver? Download an EXE?

    Your comment is so rambley that I can’t understand whether you’re criticizing the distribution method or the packaging. Both of those are very different in terms of attack surface, if you’re talking about supply chain attacks.

  • I could be wrong here, but I think the common interpretation here is wrong. The risk is not that the wires overheat and cause a fire. The risk is that the card draws too much current from a single 12V power rail on your PSU, sustained for a long time, and that burns out the power rail on your PSU.

    I have a 6950 XT that I used with a 850W PSU that was connected incorrectly according to the diagram, with multiple connectors coming off a single rail. After about 6 months, one day my SSD stopped working, and after some tinkering, I realized that if I plugged it into a different 12V connector, it started working! I had burned out one of the 12V rails on my power supply, and I strongly suspect it was my incorrect wiring into my 6950 XT that caused it. (edit: I got a new PSU and never looked back)

  • This has nothing to do with protecting Canadians and everything to do with protecting big business

    I think what no politician wants to admit is that car industry is a strategically important industry and has to be protected for geopolitical reasons alone. We need the manufacturing capability to maintain our industrial base as a hedge against any future conflict. (I lump it in with why you need domestic milk and food production, vaccine production, etc. When the going gets tough, you need that.)

    That said, I do feel the bailouts from 2009/2010 were total horseshit and these companies got off scot-free. They’ve had ages to prepare to make EVs and squandered it, and now have to be protected by moves like this. We just end up paying for it, either through subsidies (eg. battery plants) or through the inflated prices of EVs.

  • I’m a huge Doom (1/2/3/2016) fan but I’m not sure how I feel about this. Eternal just seemed like more or the same so I never even bothered playing it. The Dark Ages is starting to feel a little too Anime and just outside the whole space-based Doom universe. This just doesn’t seem like Doom to me and the gameplay looks like more of the same basically from the trailer.

  • Your post couldn’t be more true. Decades ago I was sold on MythTV, this PVR software but it only ran on Linux and you had to compile it yourself. So I gave Linux and MythTV a shot. As it turned out, both MythTV and early desktop Linux were a buggy, frustrating mess. X broke all the time. Incomprehensible, ungoogleable compile errors all the time.

    I spent so much time troubleshooting MythTV and compilation problems that I ended up learning Linux inside and out and the C programming language to be able understand the compile errors. I went on to lead a major open source project and have had a long career as a programmer, using all the knowledge I gained that started with fighting MythTV.

  • How can it cost 3x as much as an F-35?

    Here’s what the official government news releases say:

    $19 billion for 88 F-35s = $216 million each - source

    $2.5 billion for 11 Reapers = $227 million each source

    … so I don’t think you’re right.

    Edit: This CBC article quotes an unnamed “senior defence official” as saying the first four F-35s we purchased cost $85 million per plane, whereas the numbers quoted in the press releases above are the all-in costs including all the “sustainment set-up and services” such as ground control centers, training, etc. So without being an expert on this stuff, I do think the numbers in the press releases are a better apples-to-apples comparison.

    Edit 2: but yeah, your point still stands… Is a Reaper worth as much as an F-35? Beats me…