I drive every month over 1100km one way and then few days later back home. It’s almost impossible to do it with EV
I drive every month over 1100km one way and then few days later back home. It’s almost impossible to do it with EV
i don’t know, i’m using qwant.com
Great review. I’d like to see power consumption tests too, because this device works 24/7 and sometimes it takes more energy than laptop in a year.
Chrome? Never! Only firefox. Eventually chromium.
Thank you all for your help.
do i need the mainboard with the “highest” chipset or the with the cheaper chipset it will be possible too?
why should i take this 78003xd? it takes more power and is slower tgan 7900x.
oh… no… nobody want to buy a car with small range for 3 times higher price?
it’s just stupid… i don’t need lights and fans on the SSD… i need it reliable and cheap and staying cool under workload.
as we know… good billionaire is dead billionaire
i really need a car without this all shit. I just want to drive from point A to B. I don’t need any navi, big LCD screen, AC, parking automatic, speed control and all the electronic shit that I have now in my car.