I have a pihole and the youtube app on a smart TV. Trying to block the ad domains from the TV just bricks the app. Maybe I’m doing something wrong but, I got no luck.
People keep asking me, and I haven’t really had an answer, but now yeah, I’m thinking I’m back.
I have a pihole and the youtube app on a smart TV. Trying to block the ad domains from the TV just bricks the app. Maybe I’m doing something wrong but, I got no luck.
E-exhibit B?
Dennis Prager, Founder of PragerU which is now being taught to YOUR CHILDREN IN SCHOOL, NEVER spread his Urine at Arby’s!
Don’t worry I think his account is being facetious…
This would be REALLY Corrupt if the Current President, Elon Musk, had PRIVATE Business Interests in focusing on Mars! FORTUNATELY that’s NOT the Case!
I mean… I could be wrong…
This is what Medvedev and Putin did in the 2010’s, isn’t it?
Armchair general? NATO’s Article 5 is a collective defense pact: an attack on one member is an attack against all members. With the US being the aggressor, Denmark and Greenland would be the members invoking Article 5, and surely all other NATO members would enter the war against the US.
Trump could invoke Article 5 too I assume, but I doubt (I fucking pray) any NATO member would ally with the US.
The prudity and hypersexuality are two sides of the same coin. In a culture where you are not allowed to discuss, portray, or explore sexuality, the only outlets for people’s base sexual desires become unhealthy ones.
That’s a brand new Cockney rhyme to me, thanks for the giggles!
These legal challenges are effectively bribes. The regime knows businesses would rather spend less money kowtowing than fighting a massive, nebulous lawsuit for years (with judges who are already in the their pocket, so you know which way they’ll rule regardless of evidence and arguments).
So all they have to do is toss out an executive order or lawsuit revoking funding, or revoking security clearances, or going after DEI policies. The natural conclusion, even to the target company, is that fighting would be more expensive and not even likely to result in a victory.
“Disney settles with the FCC for $500 million” is the headline you’ll read in June, which translates to “Disney paid Trump $500 million to leave them alone”.
Misskey has a massive Japanese population in part because it was written by Japanese speakers.
On the one hand, one of the things we often tout about the Old Internet was the ability for anyone to run their own website, forum, blog, etc, free from corporatization. On the other hand, running your website is a responsibility on your part, and in the convenience-focused Internet we have now, seems to be a forgotten lesson.
On the third, mutant hand growing out of our back, fedi software should be designed with security-by-default, i.e. no open registration, to prevent the forgotten lesson from being a huge problem.
In the wild, it’s far more common for them to just spin up a bunch of accounts across “good” instances (particularly those without registration applications) and coordinate.
In 2023, this happened to a ton of unsecured Misskey instances who then proceeded to spam most of the Fediverse. It was just a troll in reality, but revealed that the Fediverse is no less vulnerable to coordinated, sophisticated attacks (and with how politically minded it is, there’s plenty of incentive for nation state actors to do so).
Just wanna say warm wishes, share your research if you find anything.
The papers we hold up and say “this will be the foundation of our government, society, and economy” can say anything we want, but none of the words on the page matter once the people in the system abdicate their responsibilities to point at something wrong, refuse to participate, and work against it.
SOX controls are the result of the Enron fraud, but those are also just words on a page. The US Constitution is just words on a page. SCOTUS may very well rule this year that the US government cannot deport native-born, tax-paying, passport-holding, lived-here-all-their-lives US citizens.
Watch as the Trump administration does it anyway. It’s all just words to them.
Well there’s the disaster that was hexbear…
Wow… That’s quite the journey. Thank you for sharing it.
It’s particularly enlightening is that the diversity of information presented to you is what helped you change. Not just one “gotcha” quote from some online commenter, one snippy remark about a noticeable hypocrisy. Not one source of disruption, but many. I think that’s fascinating, and extremely helpful for those of us with family who only get their news and opinions and politics from one place.
Again, thanks for telling your story.
You gotta actively try to reach that kinda score, it’s almost impressive. You have to go out of your way to be a jackass.
Yesss, go bankrupt to own the libs!
I missed an opportunity to say the bunkiest of funches, and I’ll never forgive myself.
Yeah I figured they went the Twitch approach. Desktop YouTube I still have ublock for, but there’s no hope for the TV.