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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • Eh, i don’t care really, youtube music is good enough for me, it has everything my super weird and nieche music taste likes, and it doesn’t sound horrible, do i get the best quality music? no.
    But you could make the same argument for cars, why do people buy 600hp cars or 200+ hp motorcycles when they can only go up to 130km/h (ignoring german gigachads here), precisely because even if you get limited you can still have more fun with it

  • I don’t care about things like Dolby Atmos at all, it’s just software surround and i’m not using that, don’t care about aptX, no devices i use support it, and basically everything has LDAC these days so i don’t even bother checking for it, the only important things in a phone are the version of android it comes with from the factory, a 3,5mm audio jack, and a few other things like a good fingerprint reader and that the selfie camera is as hidden as possible, i am yet to find a phone without one of those stupid things, so if someone knows a recent phone without a selfie camera, please point me to it, i hate those things

  • The 800S is the single best headphone to ever hit the market, it sounds great, awsome soundstage and most importantly for everyday use, it’s super light, probably the lightest TOTL headphone out there, i am not even listening to classical with it, mostly jPop, Planar fanboys can cry about the 800S bassresponse as long as they want, i don’t have to wear half a kilo brick for 8+ hours a day

  • Sorry mate, but you’re not hearing a difference, you’re imagining you’re hearing a difference, the only difference you could hear is if the cable get’s too long, you can calculate it with this formula:
    fC = 1/(2 ⋅ π ⋅ R ⋅ C ⋅ 10^(-12) ⋅ d)
    fC is the max frequency of your signal
    R is output inpedance in Ohm
    C is Capcacitance of the cable in pF per meter
    d is cable lengh in meters
    I 100% guarantee you that you’re not going to get anywhere close to 20khz when you put the numbers in for your cable
    For anyone too lazy to calculate it themselves, even if we put pretty much worse case numbers in, like 200pF per meter, 5 ohms output impedance, 10 meter cable lengh, we reach a maximum possible requency of 15.915.507 hz
    So yeah, not even close to the cable affecting sound in any way