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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I think part of that larger discussion needs to include the array of reasons that people become homeless in the first place, cause it’s not just that they lack motivation like your comment suggests. There’s mental health reasons, financial reasons, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. And once you become homeless, it can be difficult to get out of - jobs require that you have reliable transportation, and an address for mailing stuff to you, that you look presentable, and that you don’t smell.

    A fair amount of homeless people have smartphones nowadays, so I think a system in place where temporary residence can be set up, a bank account set up, access to therapy, and priority access to remote jobs can take place will be a huge step forward in reducing the homeless population. That and also capping interest rates and market values for houses/condos/apartments so that they’re actually affordable to the common person.

  • Source

    “Let them eat Corn Flakes” appears to be Kellogg’s CEO Gary Pilnick’s advice to cash-strapped shoppers who are spending the highest portion of their income on food than at any point in the last 30 years.

    In an interview with CNBC last week, WK Kellogg CEO Pilnick said the company was advertising cereal for dinner to consumers looking for more affordable options. “Give chicken the night off,” the ad’s cheery tagline reads.

    “The cereal category has always been quite affordable, and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure,” Pilnick said. “If you think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that’s going to be much more affordable.”

    That same guy, further known as “Asshat”, made more than $4M in 2023. What a fuckin asshole.

    I wonder what his advice would be on other topics.
    “Man, I wish I could buy a house so that I have a stable living condition and a roof over my head.”
    Asshat: “A cardboard box on the street seems to be trendy way to be thrifty and obtain all you’re asking for! I sell them, give me money!”

    Next time he complains about something, we should give him similar advice.
    Asshat: “Man, I wish I could own a yacht like the other rich guys in my golf club.”
    Us: “This rowboat seems to be trendy way to be thrifty and obtain all you’re asking for! I sell them, give me money!”