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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • While I can’t say I have a large yard. My 80v Greenworks system can do the job 90% of the time on 1 battery (I have 2). When it can’t from being lazy and not mowing as often as I should have or it was especially rainy, I can swap the batteries in moments and the battery charges within 20 or so minutes. By then I am done or using the battery from the mower in the leaf blower or weed whacker.

    I would imagine if I had a larger yard I would go with a third in the event of having longer grass to cut and would have a battery charged, battery charging, and one in use.

    I would not trade my yard system with a gas one for any amount of money. If i do anything it’d be to hire someone that uses electric (quieter!) to mow and edge and all that jazz. Or use a Fiskars reel mower.

    Oh yea. I drive an ID.4. Suck it gas stations trolololol.

  • I don’t have the capability to use a level 2 charger at my home, but with my current work schedule, I’m fine with level 1. I’ll usually start charging for the week for a Tues commute on Sunday, and use that charge the rest the week as I only go in two days a week (thankfully). Around town trips hardly impact range as they’re typically only a few miles round trip.

    If I have to go in more often then I might have to use a DCFC, and while thats about 3x the cost of charging at home, its still $12-$15 in my area depending on charge level and is 15-20min max time. If the charger is at a gas station or area with amenities then usually by the time I’m done doing whatever (food/restroom/browsing) it’s about done.

    For my situation it’s been working pretty well!

  • You know, it doesn’t say how they’re taking up two spots. If they’re going about it long-wise, then I’d be okay with long ass vehicles taking up two spots. I’ve seen cars/trucks with trailers do it all the time.

    Now if they’re parking like a BMW and taking up two spots that way, then sure, they’re kind of an ahole. Slightly Less so if at least they parked in the boonies.

  • While im not a fan of the capacitive buttons on the steering wheel, I’ve gotten used to them and havent had any issues. That said, if there’s some sort of recall that swaps it out for a wheel with regular buttons, im down for that. I saw some of the newer VWs had physical buttons again, i wonder if it is just as easy to sawp like my MKV Rabbit from the bare bones to a R32 wheel?

    Now the capacitive buttons below the screen could f right off lol. I barely use them. I tend to rest my hand on the top of the screen and use my thumb to navigate where i need to go. Thanks above for the travel assist mode.

  • They’ve been whacking away a smaller groups since the SCOTUS decision. There’s been announcements of those groups over the last couple of years and (by their account) still working on a big one that adheres to the SCOTUS ruling in the case that should not have been, from Texas.

    I get emails from the DoE every once in a while that gives updates as well. My wife benefited from one of the rounds, while I (with a much higher balance) have not. If I benefit, it will be a huge lift off my back, but if not I’m not about to deride those who were able to be freed from the debt.

    This reminds me of a couple of posts where someone was complaining about how fast food workers were starting to make almost as much as them. One take was to be happy more people are getting paid better, and the other was that someone needs to talk to their management on getting some raises.

    I’d hazard for the second one we (the public) need to get people voted in with the objective of being more socially minded rather than those trying to shit on “others”. The MTGs and Gaetzs’ of the political world are not interested in helping others, we need more AOCs and Bernies.