It’s not about healthy and happy, but you have probably lost your drive for these side projects. Try to find out with yourself - what was the reason for doing projects before.
Burnout as an entrepreneur is really problematic. The assumption is that the business you own or trying to develop is not only something that you have to do, but it comes from the bottom of your heart. If the assumption is true - the burnout is impossible. Like in this song: “I:m on vacation every single day because I love my occupation…”.
It’s really helpful indeed. It’s all about habits.
Founders Central is nice.
It would be great of course, but how it will be different from other similar websites?
Well, for sure you cannot disconnect yourself from your business, because you are the one who represents it.
Personal brand is not your your face. It can be some kind of your logo or avatar, but your name is and how you appear in any possible platform.
Not many people actually like social or posting or creating content. So, if you are not up to it - the best way will be to hire someone to do it for you.
Still while posting or creating content - there has to be some personal touch, in order not to be banal as everyone else, find a way to differentiate yourself from others.
These are great ideas! thank you for posting
That’s a nice idea. I will be glad to hear the results as well.
Just ask them for a proper plan + measurable results after a certain period.
Real estate is always a good business.
But it can also be so many things - depends what you wish to achieve - may be you already have a company or an idea, so invest the money in developing the ideal product.
Don’t seek for a perfect AI new tech, seek for a new problem to solve, may be it will use AI, or may be - not. But as an entrepreneur - you need to invent a solution for an existing problem. Start with people, not with tech.
If you wanna create a stable income just go to work.