It’s because they hide behind “freedom of religion” when what they mean is they want a Christian theocracy.
It’s because they hide behind “freedom of religion” when what they mean is they want a Christian theocracy.
lol of course he thinks the companies are “blackmailing him” and not that the companies don’t want to advertise in the cesspool he has turned twitter into.
Even if you didn’t like twitter before, it’s much worse now than Elon has worked his magic. Why would companies want to pay money to have their brands side by side with nazi posts.
Something something drain the swamp. Trump drained the swamp by appointing his kids and his friends kids White House positions and forcing everyone to use his hotels.
Don’t even get me started how Fauci is corrupt!
There is no logic in the Republican Party
Can you even explain what is gender identity? Since you are so against it. What is it and why shouldn’t kids learn about it?
That is a firearms issue.
Untrained, irresponsible people are getting access to guns.
They should focus on playing soccer. Leaving the woke politics out please!
It’s easy to get a following by fostering fear and hate. Literally just blame and vilify a group and blame them for all the problems your target audience has.
I do agree males are disproportionately impacted by certain things… look at prison, suicide, etc. but I also think feminism would correct that. I’m a truly equal society, men wouldn’t bare the brute of the stress of financial support, for example. I also think in a truly equal society, the notion that men chase women goes away. People are just out there trying to find love and/or happiness.
If you have that, a lot of the symptoms you mentioned, where men are disproportionately affected go away.