the sad reality is that you either die antimatter, or exist long enough to watch yourself be named regular matter
the sad reality is that you either die antimatter, or exist long enough to watch yourself be named regular matter
it’s vegan recipes, but the military unclassified vegan recipes are still better imho
The modern fascist doesn’t present themself as a strong military leader anymore, instead presenting themself as an entertainer for the people. I believe this image is what makes it difficult to get the masses fully under your control, and granting you unchallenged authority.
That, and I think graphics is the easiest part of a game to min/max. You can take any pile of garbage and hire a couple animators, 3D artists etc etc to make it look gorgeous, but it’s difficult to find someone who can write a really good story every single year for a release
lmao if that’s true he blundered this one so hard. either he doubles down and doesn’t reinstate premium, causing people to get annoyed at him and potentially leave. or he does reinstate it and has essentially lost control over his platform.
seems like the former so far, his last tweets are full of responses just talking about this.
I guess instead of preventing disease they’d rather sell you treatment
Churches ring their bells for a long time too when calling for mass. or when there is a wedding, or any event like that. Whether it sounds good or not is in the ear of the beholder
I don’t wanna hijack this thread to make it political, but I find it insane how sk many people are opposed to the “noise” of mosques, but then don’t mind the constant ringing of bells.
I’ve also lived near a church in Germany for some time and it rang every 15 minutes. Granted I wasn’t bothered as much as you are, but it is still really annoying and I can totally understand your point.
I think religious sites should just not make any noise like this, whether it be a church or mosque.
sorry sir, going forward we will only be reporting on people you know personally, sorry for the inconvenience
so i’m not very familiar with asmongolds content, but I know someone who keeps posting his videos into a group chat I’m in together with anti-woke “why are there minorities in my video games” comments.
is that the type of content asmongold produces or is my acquaintance just extremely dense?
i think they meant physically close. maybe close enough to be within firing range of a gun. hypothetically of course