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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024


  • Given that medicaid costs something like 880000 million dollars, I can pretty much promise that it saved money if it was denying people en masse.

    The whole healthcare system private and public is corrupt and lining the pockets of the wealthy at scale. All the middlemen are leeches from the insurance companies, to the “service” companies that clean hospitals, nursing homes, to the medical supply companies that charge egregious prices.

    It doesn’t matter if the healthcare provider is nonprofit because all the other ancillary services make loads and loads of cash… which means medicare/medicaid and all private insurances end up spending tens of thousands of dollars per patient, or more. Turns out… private health insurance profits are regulated to a percentage of money spent on treatments…more spend = more potential profits. It’s a balancing act of raising insurance subscription prices and raising treatment cost negotiations so that they hit that percentage and maximize profit per year.

  • So find the level of wage after taxes that provides for what a waiter would make with their current wage + average tip per hour over the course of an entire year… Then pay them that.

    I don’t think we should keep things the same way just because a population can evade taxes. Why should some jobs not report income? why is that ok?

    Whatabout all the people who stiff their waiter/waitress because they don’t believe in tipping? Anyone who has ever had the job knows this happens and the same people have no qualms showing up again and again and doing the same thing.

    What about all the businesses that steal tips from the employees and keep them? It’s illegal but they do it anyway. No tips? no employer tip theft.

    Countless reasons against tipping. There’s really only a couple for it: Businesses can avoid paying their staff and the staff leech off of everyone else via untaxed income and government support programs (food stamps, medicaid) because their w2 is below poverty wages.

  • So it sounds like nobody in this thread looked at the actual article.

    This isn’t chic-fil-a. It’s the homophobic bigoted billionaire asshole who has turned a town south of atlanta georgia to a 2.7 billion dollar movie making industry by building a movie making compound. He’s trying to usurp hollywood. His studios have been the filming location for many major blockbuster movies in the past several years.

    The article even mentions that the guy has sold 200 homes to the tune of 110 million dollars right by the studios so obviously he’s diversifying beyond chicken.

    If there’s a market for christian shit i’m sure he’ll capture it, but i’m sure they will focus on what sells. Maybe they will try to be the epic games of streaming services where they undercut the competition by hiring cheaper labor and taking a smaller cut from the people who pay to use the studios the guy owns.

    Unlike steam, nobody loves netflix, disney, hbo or any of the awful streaming services there are now. Even crunchyroll which is a bargain has a fucking awful app and streaming quality issues. Since you don’t “own” the movies on the platform you rent access to there’s no lock-in or cult following like there is with steam. Because of all this… people will go to whoever provides the best service.

  • I think in most cases they use petty culture bullshit to distract people from more concrete material concerns. They do it quite intentionally, and know what really matters.

    That’s what all of it is. Political theatre. Smoke and mirrors. It’s performance art that the crowd goes wild for, while the real changes are discussed behind closed doors and are executed in the senate, the house and the supreme court.

    I don’t know many people who are happy with the recent supreme court decisions, everyone seems to be upset with the senate and the house… and all the while the masses clamor for the figurehead in the oval office who rambles constantly and peddles the lies his base wants to hear. He is enforcing loyalty by establishing the precedent that you’re either with us or the enemy. He politically assassinates the people in his own party for ‘disloyalty’ because he has no following outside of it to do so. He pushes policies and even openly admits he wants to be a dictator. He claims that he wants to literally attack the political opponents on all sides should he regain power and exonerate his little militia that tried to overthrow the democratic process of the last presidential election.

    It’s just wild. How people can be so blind to how it all works is simply beyond me. How this comes down to a popularity contest and a vote of being a racist bigot vs being open to compromise and accept people as they are is beyond me. I’ve never had less faith in the human race than I do today.