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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2024


  • I’m trying to imagine what re-education would look like, in our current environment. A violent revolution may turn against us. It seems the Cuban revolutionaries were financed, at least in part, by wealthy individuals, but in* the United States today, the fascists could very well take absolute control, and use it as a means to make our situation much more dire than it currently is. The only thing I can come up with is winning a few more open-minded wealthy individuals to heavily donate for school not within government control, but exceeds standards of government education,and clinics that are completely free, that do the same. I’m having trouble even imagining how that would work, without being shut down, trying to operate under a legal framework.

  • I get it. People are scared and the major parties are juicing that up to their advantage and our disadvantage. The prefrontal executive functioning center is wired to take a back seat to the fight/flight/freeze/fawn instinct of the amygdala for important reasons. But feedback loops happen. I’m scared, too. And watching things go from bad to worse played into that loop, activating anger that fed right back into the loop. Now I’m calm. That doesn’t mean I don’t experience momentary feelings of fear and/or anger. It means I remind myself that the best decisions aren’t made from that plane 6, and I need to think long term. It’s going to be painful, either way. There’s going to be suffering, either way. There’s going to be an event horizon, either way. The point is, can I muster the courage and face it head on, because delaying the inevitable means pain and suffering will be worse the longer the delay. Am I willing to take the brunt now so the generations behind me have hope of shaping a future for themselves that sees benefits of Gen X and Boomers, on the political landscape? Because if I’m not willing to take that chance, the politicians will make sure the coming challenges weigh most heavily on the many, for the least suffering of the few.

  • Sure, I’m talking about programs, in general. There’s money where I am, but in general, people who have it are mostly investing in Fendi bags, big trucks, private education. There are exceptions, they are even fewer and far between. We did manage to put in a Little Free Library, and I’m currently looking for a space to plan a community garden. It will take time, but the goal is creating things most of us can participate in and enjoy. I’d wanted to plan free transportation for our community, but the insurance was more than we could afford, without large, ongoing private donations. But I’m ok with smaller things that bring our community out to mingle with each other.