UPDATE: I threw in an old windows 10 drive into the machine and booted to that. It is having absolutely zero issues with the card. All drives on the RAID are fully visible and usable.
THEREFORE: The issue is with Ubuntu, not the card.
NOW: Any suggestions on how to get the card to init in Ubuntu?
Thank you for you advice, misadvised as it it. Like so many others you are missing the point. It is not how to make the configuration to work, it is to get Ubuntu to recognize the card. As I have said before, this is a throwaway system that I’m trying to make work as a learning experience. The card is recognized in Windows 10, but neither version of Ubuntu (focal / jammy) can load the card. And what I’m trying to figure out is why not. Finding a way around it doesn’t answer that question.
There’s a big difference between making it work, and making it work right.