Yes. I would rather the animals’ deaths be entirely pointless and bring zero revenue to the animal killers.
Yes. I would rather the animals’ deaths be entirely pointless and bring zero revenue to the animal killers.
People will see the high price, decide not to get a turkey, and make roast potatoes or something instead. Hopefully something vegan, like roast potatoes.
I like it better when the dead animal rots on the shelves. Because it means that the company that killed an animal made a financial loss, and next quarter they might decide to reduce their stock, since people aren’t buying. If people buy the dead animal, then the animal killers make money and they keep killing animals. If it becomes more profitable to kill half the turkeys and sell at double the price, then I’m glad. That’s half as many dead turkeys. That’s a good thing. I hope the economy is going that way. And I hope people realise due to this economic trend that they don’t actually need to eat meat every day.
Oh nooo, now paying someone to take an animal’s life is expensive. Oh, the horror!
The ACCC in australia sued Valve for their crappy refunds policy and forced them to implement an australian-style refund system. Everyone in the rest of the world enjoys it when a business treats them like australians (which is to say, like they have actual consumer rights), and assumed Valve was just nice. Epic, EA, Ubisoft and the rest treat them like americans, which they hate. So that’s why people love Valve. Because Australia sued the pants off them.
It was cancelled because they were getting too close to the real truth: that Netflix is controlled by mole men from Mars!
Miracle Of Sound - Superhuman
I’ve seen the beauty burn
And I’m still fucking fuming
And as the tables turn
I’m feeling superhuman
People tend to get the wrong idea from the story of David and Goliath. That story isn’t about a small guy defeating a big guy. That’s a story about somebody bringing a gun to a knife fight. Slings absolutely kicked ass in the ancient world. Goliath never stood a chance. Besides, David has been fighting goddamned lions before that point. Meanwhile modern experts have determined that Goliath likely suffered from a host of mental and physical disabilities due to his gigantism. Like, the bible describes him as needing to be guided by attendants to the battlefield because he couldn’t see right. David had that fight in the bag from the first moment, and anyone who paid attention knew it. Modern audiences misunderstand the story because they don’t know what a powerful weapon a sling is.
You left your SI in the link
Boycotting is doing nothing. If 99 people do nothing and 1 person buys the game, studio still makes revenue.
You know what you can do to stop bad games practices? Share resources on how to do piracy. Shoplift copies of the game and dump them in the trash. Write to your politicians and ask for customer protections reform. DDoS their servers. Use the internet to bully and troll people who admit to playing the game. Cancel people who stream the game.
You left your SI in the link
The number of times I’ve been told I’m high just because I have a schizospectrum disorder is too damn high.
Big iron on his hip
Those people deserve a tip, alright. The tip of my middle finger. Pouring fossil fuels into people’s cars is evil.
Taxi/uber driver / chauffeur
Slaughterhouse worker
Insurance claim assessor
Animal breeder
Fossil fuel miner/minesite worker
Gas station attendant
Propane salesman
You want The Good Place
Let them have time off and they’ll stick around! And some more money wouldn’t hurt. The nursing crisis is fixable.
“Finish your plate” is part of a global conspiracy by parents to raise obesity levels.
What do you mean? The First Order is an allegory for neo-nazis. Canto Bight is an allegory for the military industrial complex. The Knights of Ren are an allegory for a good villain.
No, killing is still wrong when it’s pointless. You need to pay attention and take this discussion seriously. Killing that doesn’t benefit murderers is better than killing that benefits murderers, because murder shouldn’t be profitable.