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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2023


  • i also have social anxiety and smoked weed for the most of my life to cope with stress and unpleasent inner conflicts. before my flight to thailand i smoked 1 month straight just sitting in my room and playing overwatch all day. i went to thailand for a year and i still remember how i felt at the airport alone with my backpack. i felt like a weirdo without friends. like everyone is staring at me. afew hrs later i met a girl at the airport who was a backpacker travelling alone. it eased my mind. when i arrived at bkk airport i met a german couple and shared a taxi with them. it eased my mind. everyday i met new people and i saw how they carry themselves and learned from them. i realized that im allowed to express myself to be free and not give a fuck about the future. already after a few weeks i was thinking back how i felt in germany. i felt like im living in a box, every thought and action i took in germany was fear driven. when you go backpacking you meet people who dont live in fear and you realize how heavy carrying your social armor actually is…its just sad. i encourage you to go there.

  • go to thailand and travel around SEA, dont just escape but use this paradise as an opportunity to solve your inner conflicts. go to mediation centres, farm communities, vipassana meditation. Usually just socializing helps a lot. i live in germany and im done with this life. i need a reset. western world is kinda dead to me. especially germany. and other anti social, high anxiety countries. its not a pleasent life if you dont know how to handle it. but at least theres still parts of the world that help to heal easier. digital nomad lifestyle might be just more suitable for you. dont force yourself to adjust to the western world.

  • im in the same boat as you. what about hopping through SEA? you stay 3 months in thailand on tourist visa, 3 months in vietnam or laos and you loop this. so in total you stay 6 months in thailand per year on tourist visa. Im not 100% but i hope its possible to do this cycle endlessly for many years. or what about India or Bali? you can stay there for longer periods. India 6 months, bali i think even a year on the right visas. you can always then come back to thailand for like 6 months per year.