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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Couple of teeth, bit of an ear, part of a finger plus a couple of dents on my flesh. Something very big went “boom” near me. I’m also a bit deaf in one ear. I am incredibly lucky to have survived, let alone walk out. All of it will be patched up apart from the finger - even my hearing might come back. You might not notice if you pass me on the street but if you sat opposite me you probably would. It’s no big thing.

  • It’s easier for most people to believe that different coloured or dressed folk, or those that look the same but speak differently, are the reason your life is difficult. It couldn’t possibly be the people that look and sound like you that are your problem. In the UK it’s been said before that a white British guy in a factory job has more in common with a Jamaican bricklayer or a Polish chamber maid than they do with Boris Johnson. I believe that position.

  • This is impossible to answer. In one small city (pop c. quarter million) accommodation ranges from about 65k to a couple of million. Ostentatious opulence walks past homeless beggars. Some places have a choice of fibre optic networks whilst others are still using copper wire. (I pay approximately $13 a month for 100gb untethered 5g access, reasonably unlimited fixed access is probably c.$40 p.m.) There’s a choice of food at all qualities and prices. A choice of free public hospitals as well as a private fee-paying one too. There are areas where you can leave your bag on the table as you go to the bar and there are places that not even locals willingly choose to go. A massively mixed bag. The only major difference between Europe and the US (in cities) is that we can walk across ours, in any direction, crossing roads wherever and whenever we want to.

  • I’m no fan of Tolkien / LotR’s but the revisionism of Orcs in the new series to be essentially humans that look a bit different is such a colossal change that it undermines everything in that world. Imagine if the tinfoil dude in Starwars (CPO?) unzipped his costume in episode XII and he turned out to be a human. Would that make a mockery of the franchise - or at least make it look stupid? Spock & Kirk in Star Trek are now the opposite of what they were. The film called Snow White might not even tell the Snow White story. Velma from Scooby Doo has become a deplorable bitch. If you don’t have the talent to write something original stick to the rules and lore of the people who did. Having said that, enjoy the rest of the series.

  • I think the real problem here is being missed… probably deliberately so. Surely if you inherit someone else’s ip you have to play to their rules and law? If you don’t want to then you need to make an original ip that lets you do what you want. The lack of understanding, the entitlement and the disrespect it takes to tear-up existing law because you know better than the original author is insane. I’m gonna remake Sesame Street. I’m gonna place it on a farm and make that big yellow fucker into a small blue pony and have all the other characters hunt humans. B… b… b… but that don’t sound like Sesame Street anymore say all the (insert meaningless generic insult here)’s. The quality, or otherwise, of the finished product won’t matter if it has one foot in tradition and one foot in new made-up contradictory law. It will be a bastardisation whatever.