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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Pride as a reaction to shame is pretty unhealthy, from a mental health perspective. There are people trying to shame everyone for everything. Don’t be fat, don’t be thin, don’t be pretty, don’t be ugly. If everyone was distractingly screaming about their pride for everything they feel ashamed of the world would be obnoxious.

    I think pride as a movement made sense when everything queer was a hidden subculture.

    I feel like that’s past us. There are LGBT pro-hamas groups now. I think we’ve hit peak queer when there are queer activists for groups that would hang them.

  • Overtly stating anything about your identity is one of the dumbest and most boring things.

    I don’t care how you identify. It doesn’t tell me anything about you, and it doesn’t tell me anything about the thing. And generally, it’s considered rude to talk about a person’s identity.

    You’d be better off telling me something you’re interested in.

    John Doe (likes trains)

    There are two kinds of people… No wait, three kinds of people that care.

    1. people who are emotionally fragile, mentally ill, or otherwise can’t handle literally any friction of any kind in any of their interactions.

    2. people who are excessively polite, virtue signaling, it SJWs. These people don’t care for themselves but they care SO MUCH because they think it makes to OTHER people.

    3. people who are afraid of complaints or legal action (business, public figures, etc)

    I can count on one hand the number of times identity has mattered in a human interaction I’ve had.

    The amount of energy we waste of identity is fucking absurd considering the literal zero value or brings to the world.

  • The richest guy in the cemetery probably lived a pretty good life.

    He could host his friends, people wanted to spend time with him if he wasn’t particularly foul.

    He could afford better food, better schools, and better medicine. So he was better nourished, better educated, and better taken care of.

    He could pursue his interests and support things he cared about, so he felt actualized.

    Of course rich people die of cancer or suicide just like the poors. But they do it less and it’s more of a tragedy when they do.

  • You can take anything and make it horrifying if you want. It’s either a slippery slope or reductio ad absurdum.

    This is a photographer that wanted to decline a customer, nothing more or less.

    A business should be able to decide the kind of services it provides. If I don’t want to bake a gigantic 5’ swastika cake I shouldn’t have to.

    At the end of the day capitalism protects everyone against excessive descrimination - business that reject people get less money, fewer reviews, will grow slower, etc. If that business rejects your business someone else will provide it. If nobody serves a community, there’s a business opportunity waiting. Etc.

    I don’t know how delusional you need to be to assume it could EVER be possible that somehow every business would just refuse to serve a population because of X characteristic.

  • That was a really long post. Nothing you said refuted anything I said. You’re literally doing the thing I’m talking about.

    Do you support Hamas? Just admit it.

    After a decade of near-zero conflict Hamas unilaterally launched the largest offensive between the two states in a decade. They murdered babies and tortured and paraded civilian hostages around. They can’t be trusted and should be destroyed.

    In the last decade since the last Israel/Palestine “war” in 2014 Israel has had barely any military action against Palestine. It’s not like there’s some kind of genocide happening - if Israel wanted genocide Gaza could be wiped from the planet overnight.

    Gaza has no democracy, no legitimate government, no industry, no trade. So no hope for the future. Countries don’t want to take Palestinian refugees because they attempt coups and threaten to destabilize regions.

    The instant that Gaza forms a legitimate democratic government the attacks would stop. The moment that Gazans formed a non military state, the conflict stops.

    Don’t get me wrong here - the situation for non-radicalized Palestinians is total dog shit. They are the biggest victims here but the blame falls on Hamas in my view.